True or False
Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
Coping Consequences
What should you do?

Everybody uses the same coping skills.

False. Find what works for you :)


What is a healthy coping skill to use when you are angry?

Exercise; venting to someone; taking a walk; deep breaths


What is an unhealthy coping skill to use when you are angry?

Hurting self or others; taking anger out on someone else; using substances


A consequence of physically fighting.

Getting suspended from school; hurting yourself; hurting others; causing problems for the future


You are sitting in class working and notice someone is tapping their pencil really loud.

Take a deep breath; ask them nicely to stop


People who have trouble coping with things are weak

False! Life can be hard for us all in different ways!


Name coping skill to use if you are feeling overwhelmed and lonely

Journal; draw; talk to someone


What is an unhealthy coping skill when you are sad?

Sleeping for long periods; hurting yourself or others


A consequence of holding in anger.

You might "explode" or let it out later without being able to control yourself


Your little brother is running around and unplugs the tv by accident, while you are in the middle of a video game.

Take a deep breath; leave the room; do not do something impulsive that could harm him


The best way to deal with anger is to find a healthy way to express it



What does it mean to be "mindful"?

To be present; to be AWARE of what is going on with you and/or your environment


Define what you think "unhealthy coping" means.

Going through a hard time, and doing something harmful, dangerous, or irresponsible, in efforts to deal with the problem

A consequence of ignoring or not feeling your feelings.

Being numb (this can be helpful OR harmful). Feelings eventually should be released, or they may cause your further stress


A peer at school tries to talk to you about something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Tell them respectfully that you are not comfortable talking with them about this


Coping skills are ONLY used to help you relax.

False - they can be used to help you take care of yourself, be kind to others, to release negative feelings


What do breathing exercises do?

Help regulate your body to calm you down


When would sleep be an unhealthy coping skill?

When you are depressed; when you sleep through your day and miss out on important things


A consequence of blaming others for your feelings.

If you blame others for YOUR feelings, you will always depend on others to keep you regulated, which is sometimes impossible. Your feelings may come naturally, but YOU are in control of your actions!


You are playing a board game and notice your friend is cheating.

Call them out without being harsh or disrespectful; if it continues, find another person to play with


If you take care of yourself first, you can better help others

True! If you are burned out or upset, you may not be as helpful to others


Name three healthy coping skills that people can use.

Take a walk, deep breaths, talk to someone, write or draw, distract yourself with a game, play with a pet, exercise, listen to music...


What is an unhealthy coping skill when you are feeling anxious?

Holding everything in; freezing and refusing to do anything; being too hard on yourself


The consequence of withdrawing from family and friends. 

Being lonely; having your loved ones not know what is wrong so the issues may continue or get worse


You are upset because you yelled at your mom when you were angry earlier.

Apologize once you have calmed down