Healthy coping skills
Unhealthy coping skills
Types of coping skills

Name 3 healthy coping skills

Some examples: 

-deep breathing 

-going for a walk 


-listening to music 

-talking to a friend




Name 3 unhealthy coping skills 

Some examples:

-being violent 


-drugs or alcohol

-avoiding the problem 

-shutting down

-picking at skin/nails 


John has a lot of stress from work. When he gets home, he yells at his wife to get his frustration out. Is this a healthy coping skill?


Talking with someone is a great coping skill. However, yelling is unhealthy and it may cause issues in our relationships.


Identify 2 distraction coping mechanisms

-doing a puzzle

-reading a book 

-listening to music 

-watching a movie 


A coping skill that involves moving the your body to release natural endorphins

Physical activity/ exercise 


Why might someone use an unhealthy coping skill?

it provides a quick fix in the moment 


Someone is up in your face yelling.. how can you deal with this situation in a healthy and safe way?

walk away, take a break, disengage from the person, talk to someone who wasn't involved...

Identify 2 mindfulness coping mechanisms



-deep breathing exercises 


What do coping skills help us with? 

Healthy coping skills help us work through and process our emotions so that we can reduce the effect that stressors have in our lives 


What is one negative coping skill you'd like to let go of? What could you replace it with?

Answers will vary depending on person 


You are feeling very anxious. What are 2 healthy coping mechanisms you could use to manage anxiety?

answers could include: 


-deep breathing 




What is opposite action coping mechanism? Identify 1 example

-Doing something that is the opposite of your impulse and is a more positive emotion 

-Examples: reading affirmations or inspirational quotes, watch something funny 


Why is it important to identify your feelings to help you cope with a difficult situation?

Identifying your feelings is important so you can utilize coping skills that will help you deal with that feeling when faced similar situations in the future.


How can using unhealthy coping skill negatively affect your life?

When we use an unhealthy coping skill we can hurt ourselves, hurt others, cause more problems that we have to deal with, etc.


Sarah is angry at a coworker who never completes their work. Rather than discussing her feelings with her coworker, she avoids confrontation and continues to feel angry. Sarah manages her anger by drinking alcohol. What is a healthy coping strategy that Sarah could use instead?

answers will vary 


Identify 1 coping mechanism using each of your senses

touch, hear, see, taste, smell 

Touch: stress ball, stuffed animal

Hear: music, meditation guide

See: happy pictures, movie 

Taste: mints, tea

Smell: essential oils, lotion, candles