Relaxation Techniques
Stress/Anger Management
Throwing things when becoming angry is a healthy way of expressing your anger? True or False?
What is false?
Skills used to deal with emotions
What are coping skills?
A tool that can help you maintain your stress if it's squeezed, but not too tight!
What is a stress ball
This technique involves slowly inhaling and exhaling
What is deep breathing?
What is a healthy outlet for releasing stress?
What is exercise, journaling, talking to a trusted friend, drawing, deep breathing, guided imagery, yoga, listening to music, or reading?
You are feeling stressed with school and family. Who are 3 people you can talk to for support?
What is Family -Friends -Therapist -Counselor -Community Therapy Services?
This is something you do all day everyday but deeper when you are angry or stressed
What is a deep breath
When shaken this can be an effective tool to help calm down
What is a calm down bottle/jar?
What is the correct way to breathe when practicing deep breathing?
What is in through your mouth, out through your nose, at a very slow pace for several minutes?
Signs that your body gives you when you are experiencing anger.
What is knots in your stomach, clenching your hands or jaw, feeling clammy or flushed, breathing faster, headaches, pacing or needing to walk around “seeing red, "having trouble concentrating, pounding heart, tensing your shoulders
These may include exercising, relaxation techniques, going for a walk with an adult, or enjoying a hobby, sport, or any activity you like.
What are examples of healthy coping skills?
Physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival
What is the fight, flight, or freeze response?
This holds all of your calm down materials
What is a coping toolbox?
What involves the tensing of the muscles then releasing for relaxation?
What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?
What is a simple and instant way to manage your anger?
What is counting to 10 and deep breathing?
I am getting frustrated in class and am going to use my coping skills to turn my mood around. How do I know that my coping skill is a healthy one?
What are the 3 Laws of Coping Skills (they don't hurt me, others, or property/break the rules)?
Phrases you can say to yourself to help you get through distressing situations
What are affirmations or positive self-talk?
The poses and stretches of this exercise promote calm and meditation
What is yoga?
What involves imagining a relaxing destination and picturing yourself there for relaxation purposes?
What is guided imagery/visualization?
What is an unhealthy way to handle stress that involves doing nothing?
What is keeping your feelings inside/"bottled up"?
Give an example of an unhealthy coping skill and why it's unhealthy. Then give an example of a healthy coping skill and explain why it's healthy.
The ability to respond to situations with a range of emotions in a manner that is socially acceptable, as well as the ability to delay reactions as needed
What is emotional regulation
A practice of serious thought about one's character, actions, and motives, which allows us to acknowledge what choices were good, which were bad, and how we can improve ourselves.
What is self-reflection
Name 3 healthy things I can do to relax. Bonus 100 points for naming an additional thing you can do in your chair in class!
What is deep breathing, visualization, yoga, counting, etc. Bonus: Chair "push-ups"
Name 2 things you can do to PREVENT stress and anger from building up.
What is practicing self-care, having a healthy support system, eating healthy, getting good sleep, etc.