Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
True or False

What is a healthy coping skill that can help you relax?

Possible answers: deep breathing, music, walk


What are the benefits of unhealthy coping skills?

short term relief from negative feelings.


Self care is NOT selfish



You are sitting in class working and notice someone is tapping their pencil really loud. Name a coping skill to handle this situation in a healthy way.

Possible answers: ask them nicely to stop, use noise-canceling headphones if allowed, move to a new seat


A stop sign has this many sides.

What is 8?


What can you do when you are overwhelmed with school work?

Possible answers: use a planner, ask for help, use online resources


Self-medicating is an unhealthy coping skill (True/False)



A helpful way to stop negative feelings is to distract yourself with coping skills.



Some of your classmates made a tik tok "joking" about suicide. You feel upset and offended that they think it is a joke. Name a coping skill to handle this situation in a healthy way.

Possible answers: report the tik tok, log off of social media, talk to a friend or trusted adult about your feelings


This is the main character in the "Hunger Games" series.

Who is Katniss Everdeen?


What is a healthy coping skill you have used this week?

Possible answers: listen to music, watch a funny netflix show, draw


What is an example of an unhealthy coping skill?

Possible answers: Using drugs and alcohol, fighting, running away, too much screen time, stuffing one's feelings


Coping skills are only needed when you're struggling with negative emotions.



Your little brother is running around and unplugs the video game by accident while you are in the middle of a game. Name a coping skill to handle this situation in a healthy way.

Possible answers: take deep breathes, ask your little brother to be careful around your video games


This person sings 'Driver's License'.

Who is Olivia Rodrigo?


What is a healthy coping skill to use when you're feeling lonely and isolated?

Possible answer: call a friend or family member, spend time with a pet


What is the difference between an unhealthy coping skill and a healthy coping skill?

Unhealthy Coping Skills only help to relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress while you're doing it or for the short term and may have negative impacts if used too often. 

Healthy Coping Skills help relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress for the longer and may have long-term benefits. 


Stress can cause physical symptoms like headaches, stomach aches, muscle tension, and trouble sleeping.



You heard a rumor spread about you and you want to confront the person who said it. Name a coping skill to handle this situation in a healthy way.

Possible answer: use a coping skill to make sure your calm prior to trying to resolve a conflict and listen to others' perspectives.


Captain America, Ironman, The Hulk, Thor, Spiderman, Black Widow, and Hawkeye make up this team.

Who are the Avengers?


Noelle has a research paper due in one of her classes. Because the paper will require so much work, Noelle feels anxious every time she thinks about it. Noelle procrastinates starting the paper to avoid her feelings of anxiety. Name healthier ways for Noelle to cope with her anxiety.

Possible answers: do a little work each day, ask for help, start working on it sooner rather than later, work on it with a friend


When does watching tv, scrolling social media, sleeping, etc become an unhealthy coping tool, AND why?

When you are doing it all the time or more than any other coping skills

Because it does not help relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress long term; it only helps in the moment.


All stress is bad.



Your parent gets upset with you because of your grades and starts yelling at you. You begin to feel frustrated and sad. Name a coping skill to help you cope with this in a healthy way.

Possible answers: ask for some space to cool down before talking about the situation, deep breathing, communicate "I am feeling ____, and I would like _____."


This is the color of a giraffe's tongue.

What is black, blue or purple with a pink base/back?