Just Breathe
Coping skills

Demonstrate/ try out box breathing


who is someone in your community you can go to for help/ support?

person can name anyone that is supportive to them in the community.


Name two healthy coping skills!


Can you try the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 technique?

5. things you can see

4. things you can feel

3. things you can hear

2. things you can smell

1. thing you can taste


Name 2 benefits of using a coping skill

Feeling more relaxed

- Having a clear mind

- Creating healthy relationships

- Allows time to pause, to think about what you might do next


demonstrate/ try five finger breathing

true or false a healthy support is someone who negatively critiques you and does not validate your feelings? they use statements such as "suck it up, its not that bad", "its all in your head"

false. this is a unhealthy support person


Name 3 unhealthy coping skills!


what is mindfullness?

mindfullness is about being present in the moment. 


Which of the following are benefits to healthy coping skills? 

a. allow us to create better relationships

b. they increase stress

c. allow us to have a healthy mind and body

d. A and B

e. All of the above

allow us to create better relationships and allow us to have a healthy mind and body (A and C)


demonstrate/ try snake breaths

what types of phrases would a healthy support person say to someone who is struggling with their mental health?

you got this. im here for you when ever you need me. 


Coping skills help us with...

a. dealing with stress

b. working through emotions and problems

c. staying in control of our emotions

d. all of the above


this form of mindfullness requires somone to tense their muscles for a count of 5 then release. repeating until they feel relaxed.

muscle relaxation. lets try it!


Using a ________________ coping skill, gives time for your mind and heart to have a break. This helps with short term relief from a problem.

A distraction coping skill!

Can you name one?


deep breathing is considered a universal coping skill. why?

because you can do it for any situation, you are already breathing naturally and no one knows your doing it.


where can a person go to get help if they are struggling with their mental health?

school councillor, teacher, therapist. mental health professional, trusted adult, the kids help phone, suicide hotline.


How can unhealthy coping skills negatively affect our lives?


this type of mindfullness has a person walking around finding objects with all the colors of the rainbow.

rainbow walk. lets try it.


What do coping skills help us with?

- reducing stress

- working through problems

- working through emotions


why is practicing deep breathing important in reducing stress and anxiety?

it calms the nervous system and moves control from the insintcual brain to the upper brain where we are able to have better control of our emotions and thoughts.

true or false: can pets be considered a postive support?



what is a negative coping skill you would like to change? how has this negative coping skill affected your life? what was the purpose of this cping skill? what positive coping skill are going to replace it with?


have you ever tried mindful gratitude?

yes:-demonstrate or explain.

no: lets do it.


Name five coping skills that are most effective for you.