Self care/Self love
Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
Thought Errors

Is positive self talk a way to show yourself love?



Name 3 healthy coping skills.

- Work Out

- Writing/Drawing/Painting/Take Pictures

- Listening to Music

- Spending Time with Friends/Family

- Go for a Walk

- Deep Breathing/Meditation

- Imagery of favorite place


Name one example of an unhealthy coping skill.

- Avoiding Help

- Fighting

- Yelling at others

- Harming others or yourself


Coping skills are always healthy for you


Coping skills that do more overall harm than good are not healthy for you, although they will probably help you feel better short term


Name one example of a thought error

-The mind reader; feeling like you know exactly what other people think of you based on little to no evidence

-The fortune-teller; predicts terrible things will happen in any circumstance

-The crisis coach; believes an event will be something terrible or life-altering

-The blamer; blames others and has difficulty taking responsibility for own thoughts or experiences

-The judge; simplifies things and and passes judgement based on "good or bad" "right or wrong"

-The label-maker; put labels on people based on limited information and struggles to change opinions

-The naysayer; downplays positives and focuses on what could go wrong

-The personalizer; takes all the blame for situations 


Name three self-care activities

-Going for a walk/exercise

-Taking a bath

-Face masks

-Practicing coping skills

-Healthy eating

-Healthy sleep cycle


-Being with friends or other social supports


Healthy coping skills help us:

a.) Deal with stressors in our lives

b.) Work through our emotions and problems

c.) Process our thoughts and emotions

d.) All of the above

d.) All of the above

Using healthy coping skills allow us to take a minute and process what is happening with our emotions, stressors, thoughts, and problems.


John has a lot of stress from school. When he gets home, he yells at his brothers to get his frustration out. Is this a healthy coping skill and why or why not?


Talking with someone is a great coping skill. However, yelling may cause issues in our relationships even if it relieves stress in the moment.


Coping skills are not important to your well-being.


Coping skills help foster a sense of calmness, confidence, and inner-peace. They are important for your overall health.


What should if an thought error makes you more upset or anxious?

Use a coping skill


Say a positive sentence about yourself.

I am smart/funny/resilient

I deserve love

I am trying my best and that is enough


Name 3 healthy coping skills that you use



How can unhealthy coping skills negatively affect our lives?

Unhealthy coping skills can: Hurt ourselves, hurt others, create more problems, make us lose friendships, make us lose self-confidence


Coping skills are something everyone is born knowing how to do.


Coping skills are learned throughout our lives, and a lot of them take practice!


Name that thinking error:

"If I fail this test, I'm never going to pass the class, then I won't get into a good college, and then I'll be poor forever."

Crisis coach/catastrophizer 


Why is self care/love important?

Loving yourself leads to better self-esteem, stronger relationships, better coping skills, and overall better mental health


What makes something a "coping skill"?

It helps you calm down and be able to handle a stressful/triggering situation.


What makes a coping skill unhealthy?

If it does more harm than good


Coping skills are only used to help you relax. Why or why not?


Managing your stress, anxiety, and/or depression is not always relaxing. Exercise is a great healthy coping skill and is not necessarily relaxing, although it results in the relief of negative symptoms.


Name your most common thought error and give an example 

Incredible identification! 


How does self-care interact with your support system (friends, family, trusted adults, etc.)? Does self-care have anything to with your social life?

Taking care of yourself can increase your ability to maintain healthy relationships.

Additionally, talking to people you trust is a form of self-care! You are taking care of yourself when you go to the people around you for support


What are processing skills and how do they help us?

Processing skills are skills used to understand our triggers, emotions, and reactions. They help us find patterns in our thoughts and behaviors which can help us prevent similar experiences in the future.


What is the difference between an unhealthy coping skill and a healthy coping skill?

They are both coping skills and therefore alleviate your negative feelings, however, the difference is...

Unhealthy Coping Skills only help to relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress while you're doing it or for the short term and may have negative impacts if used too often. (examples- substance use, self-harm, overeating, bullying or harming others, or too much screen time.)

Healthy Coping Skills help relieve your depression, anxiety, or stress for the longer and may have long-term benefits. (examples- exercise, finding hobbies and interests, being outside, walking, communicating your feelings to yourself and others, mindfulness practices.)


It is important to identify your feelings to help you calm down.


Identifying your feelings will help you choose an effective coping skill and will help you deal with that feeling when faced similar situations in the future.


Define "thought error"

Irrational, exaggerated, or inaccurate thoughts that affect how you perceive things happening around and to you