True or False

What does DBT stands for?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


What does CBT stand for?

Cognitive Behavior Therapy


Which of the following is a benefit of using healthy coping skills? 

a.) they reduce stress b.) they allow us to create better relationships c.) they allow us to have a healthy mind and body d.) all of the above

d.) all of the above


True or False: Talking to others about problems in our lives is a healthy coping skill.

TRUE! Talking to others allows us to share our emotions and problems so that we do not have to go through them alone.


What is your strongest coping skill, and how helpful is it? (each member must answer) 

Thank you for sharing!


What is "Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment"



What module focuses on improving our ability to fully participate in experiences?



What are the three components of CBT?

Thoughts, Feelings and Behavior


What are some benefits that you have experienced from using healthy coping skills

 Feeling more relaxed Having a clear mind to help solve your problems Creating healthy relationships with others Being able to think about your response to a situation


True or False: Every coping skill is healthy

FALSE! Some ways that we learn to cope are not healthy for us! (ex: fighting, eating too much, running from problems, etc.)


What is your least helpful coping skill you use?

(each member must answer)

Thank you for sharing


What is a coping skill?

"tools and techniques you can use to help you handle difficult emotions, decrease stress, and establish or maintain a sense of internal order"


What are the 4 modules of DBT?


Distress Tolerance

Emotion Regulation

Interpersonal effectiveness


What does NAT stand for?

Negative Automatic Though


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using healthy coping skills? 

a.) allow us to create better relationships b.) they increase stress  c.)allow us to have a healthy mind and body d.) all the above 


Using healthy coping skills allows us to reduce stress!!!


True or False: Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives.

FALSE! Coping skills help us work through our problems and emotions. You do not want to avoid these! Avoiding is considered an unhealthy coping skill.


What is your least favorite healthy coping skill, and why do you not utilize it?

(each member must answer)

Thank you for sharing!


Name 6 out of the 11 group norms.

  • Be mindful of crosstalk; Speak one member at a time, listen attentively, and wait until others are finished sharing.  

  • Speak only for ourselves and not the group. We use statements with “I,” “me” and “my” when giving feedback or sharing.  

  • When offering feedback please avoid from giving advice; rather, reflect and allow everyone to come to their own answers.  

  • When others share, allow them to experience their feelings in the safety of the group’s presence, without trying to “rescue” them from their feelings. 

  • Please maintain confidentiality and group integrity. This means: “what is shared in group, stays in group” and is not to be discussed outside of the group unless you are talking about yourself and what you learned.  

  • Once group begins, please give your full attention to the group process, and leave only to go to scheduled appointments.  

  • Please turn off cell phones and refrain from use during group. 

  • No food allowed during group; you will have time between groups for eating.  

  • No tobacco use is allowed including chewing tobacco. Designated smoking area outside of building (20 feet away from doors).  

  • Please be considerate of time when sharing allowing each member the opportunity to share. 

  • We respect and use pronouns (she, her, hers; he, his, him; they, them, their; Ze, Hir, hirs)


What module focuses on helping us build skills to better navigate relationships?What does Dialectical mean?

Interpersonal Effectiveness


What is behavioral Activation?

The "approach to mental health that focuses on using behaviors to “activate” pleasant emotions. The idea is that by putting action first, a person does not need to wait to feel motivated, but they can still gain the benefits that the action has on their well-being"


What coping skills can be used to reduce stress? Name three that you would LIKE to do, but haven't done... either ever or at all.

- meditation, talking with someone, breathing exercises, exercise, mindfulness, yoga


True or False: Coping skills help you focus on the important things in your life.

TRUE! When we can cope with problems in our lives, it is easier to focus on everything else that is important to us


Please identify a trigger you've encountered and 3 coping skills you utilized.

(each member must answer)

Thank you!


What makes a coping skill unhealthy?

Unhealthy coping skills are ways to avoid the issues instead of eventually addressing them, and tend to feel good in the moment but have long-term negative consequences.


Interpersonal Effectiveness

Dialectical = two opposite ideas can be true at the same time.


Name 5 out of the 10 cognitive distortions 

Black and white thinking, Catastrophizing, Jumping to conclusions, Ignoring the positives, "my fault", Should's, magnifying and minimizing, Labels, Perfectionism, Reasoning from our emotions.


 Who can benefit from using coping skills? AND When should they be used? 



True or False: Coping skills are not important to your well-being.

FALSE! Coping skills create a sense of calmness, confidence, and inner-peace. They are important for your overall health


Each member must answer - Do you like meditation? Why or Why not. 

(in depth)

Thank you for your honesty.


What are the 2 subtypes of coping skills?


Proactive (healthy)


Name one skill in each of the 4 DBT modules

Mindfulness - Wise mind, WHAT skill, HOW skill, Breathing, Mindfulness.

Distress Tolerance - ACCEPTS, Self Sooth, IMPROVE, Half Smile, Pro Con, TIPP Radical Acceptance

Emotion Regulation - ABC PLEASE, Opposite Action, Ride the Wave

Interpersonal - DEAR MAN, GIVE, FAST, Cheerleading statements, validation


Name 4 out of the 9 techniques used in CBT

  1. Cognitive restructuring or reframing
  2. Guided discovery
  3. Exposure therapy
  4. Journaling and thought records
  5. Activity scheduling and behavior activation
  6. Behavioral experiments
  7. Relaxation and stress reduction techniques
  8. Role playing
  9. Successive approximation

What are some physical and emotional responses to utilizing coping skills?

(each member answer)

sweet thanks. 


True or False: Substance use is a coping skill. 

True, although it is an unhealthy coping skill. 


Why did you chose substances as a coping skill?

(each member must answer)

Thank you for sharing!


What are the 2 types of coping skills?

Problem focused

Emotion focused