Physical Well-Being
Make It Happen!
Fill In The Blank
A Little Bit of Everything
Name That Skill
True or False
Name 3 physical benefits you might experience when exercising regularly.

Answers will vary.


Name 3 coping strategies to manage anxiety.

Answers will vary.


One way to deal with conflict or boundary violations is to w_ _ _ a _ _ _.

Walk away


Healthy coping skills help us

a.) Deal with stressors in our lives
b.) Work through our emotions and problems
c.) Process our thoughts and emotions
d.) All of the above

d.) All of the above


Meditation and yoga are this type of practice...



True or false

Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives 


Coping skills help us work through problems in a healthy way 


Does stress affect your:

a) physical health

b) mental health

c) both

c) both


What is sleep hygiene and why is it important?

Good sleep hygiene is all about putting yourself in the best position to sleep well each and every night. 

It is important because...(answers will vary)


Share one example of good stress and how to deal with it.

Answers may vary but may include:

Moving - research restaurants and things to do in the area

Getting a new job - layout your outfit for the first day

Leading a client led group - take client led group training during registration week


If you need to ask for support to advice with someone you trust, you would a_ _ f_ _ h_ _ _.

Ask for help


Which of the coping skills below is unhealthy.

Getting Fresh Air
Talking to a Trusted Friend
Destroying Property

Destroying property


Watching a movie, listening to music, or reading a book to take your mind off of something is what kind of coping skill?



True or false

Coping skills help you focus on important things in your life


When we cope with problems and ease or emotions it helps us think clearer and tackle them better 


Is all stress bad?

Why or why not?

No...answers will vary.


Why is healthy eating an important part of coping?

Answers will vary, some include:

Maintaining blood sugar supports mood stability

Foods high in omega-3 fats help fight depression

Junk food can cause lethargy


Name one type of negative stress and how to cope with it.

Answers will vary, may include:

Increased auditory hallucinations - talk to your psychiatrist about medications


Many people use creativity to cope. One group you can enjoy at PRS for this is E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A_ _ _.

Expressive arts


Is constructive self-talk a way to support yourself?



A type of statement you would write or say to yourself for encouragement and self-esteem.



True or false

Every coping skill is healthy 


Some ways we learn to cope an not healthy, like fighting or using substances which are defense mechanisms 


Name 1 way the stress affects mental health and 1 way stress affects physical health.

Answers will vary but may include:

Physical: chronic illness, racing heart, sweat, stiff muscles or tension

Mental: trouble focusing, worry and fear, indecisiveness


Why is overall physical wellness an important part of coping?

Answers will vary, some may include:

Increases ability to deal with stress

The better you feel physically, the more resilient you are

Decreases the odds of poor health being a stressor


When feeling depressed, with low energy and a desire to isolate, what can you do?

Answers will vary, may include:

Call a friend

Call a warmline or CrisisLink

Brush your teeth

Take a short walk

Watch a funny movie


If you're struggling with feelings of anger or frustration, you might try C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ t_ T_ _.

Counting to ten


Do you need to spend large amounts of time and money on self-care?

A proactive tool you can use to prepare in case of crisis is what?

WRAP plan

Crisis plan

Having a crisis card available

Having the CrisisLink number or 988 card easily accessible


True or false 

Coping skills are something everyone is born knowing how to do 


Coping skills are learned throughout our lives 


Name 3 ways to prevent stress from happening or getting worse.

Answers will vary, may include:


Taking medications as prescribed

Asking for help when you need it

Avoiding triggers if possible


Name one coping skills that provides you a mental and physical benefit.

Answers will vary, may include:

Deep breathing - slows heart rate and calms mind

Well-balanced meal - satisfies appetite and provides energy, helps with focus

Splashing cool water on face - cooling sensation if feeling overheated/agitated, brings back to present moment and distracts rom stressors

Name one way faith or spirituality can be used to cope.

Answers will vary.


There is a place at PRS you can go for a break that has yoga mats, coping supplies, and some privacy. It's called the Q_ _ _ _ R_ _ _ _.

Quiet Room


What is one thing you've learned this quarter that hasn't been asked or shared yet?

Answers will vary

What do you call a coping tool that you use to keep your hands occupied? Some are squishy, some are bumpy, some are like putty or slime, and some spin.



True or False

All stress is out of your control


Some stressors or responses to stress can be addressed


Which of the following stressors is within your control? What can you do to make that thing less stressful?

a) bad weather

b) making a grocery list and budget

c) delusions

d) someone saying mean things about you behind your back

b) making a grocery list and budget

To make it less stressful, you can ask someone to help you plan, you can have a grocery list pad or template to follow each week, you can look at sales flyers ahead of time to cut costs, you can create a meal plan so you know what items you need