Zones of Regulation
Coping Skills
Guess the Zone

What are the 4 colors of the zones of regualtion?

Blue, Green, Yellow, Red


What are good coping strategies when we are home?

Some might be: 

1. Playing with slime/kinetic sand/popits

2. Weighted stuffy, hugs from mom, coloring

3. Breathing


Meghan is smiling and talking to her friends. Her body is still, and she is discussing her dance classes that she goes to. 



Catherine was playing with dolls with her friends. They were having fun, until her doll's arm broke. Catherine then took her friend's doll and broke her arm. What was Catherine's trigger?

Her toys breaking, and her not having what her friends have. 


What emotions go with the Green zone? (name 2)

Happy, calm, proud, focused


What is a good coping mechanism when we are in the yellow zone?

mindfulness/meditation videos, drinking water, breathing exercises, coloring

After Liam's lego tower got knocked over, his eyes scrunch and he starts yelling. He is stomping his feet, and throwing the legos.  



Mark was at the park with his parents and sister. Across the street there was a loud noise, and Mark did not know what it was. He began shaking, and sat and on the bench. He curled his knees up and told his parents he wanted to go home. What was his trigger?

Loud noises and the unknown. 

What emotions go with the blue zone? (2)

Sad, bored, tired, lonely


What is a coping strategy to use at school?

ABCs, counting, different types of breathing, asking for a break


Hailey is at a trampoline park. She is jumping all around and does not look where she is going. She has a huge smile on her face, and is laughing a lot. 



Maddi had a test in math and forgot to study. When the teacher passed out the test, Maddi began to cry. What was her trigger?

Being unprepared 


What emotions go with the yellow zone? (2)

Frustrated, excited, silly, annoyed


What is good coping mechanisms when you are in the blue zone?

Drinking water, jumping, exercise, going outside, talking to friends and family


Emily's head is on her desk and she is covering her eyes. When she looks up, she rubs her eyes and seems to be frowning. She tells you her cat ran away and her and her family were up all night looking for it. 


Scott went to a friend's birthday party. His friend got a toy that he did not have. Scott said mean things to his friend. What was his trigger?

Not having something he wanted 


What emotions go with the red zone?(2)

 Enraged, out of control, anger, elated

What is a negative way to cope with emotions?

Yelling, hitting, breaking something, stomping feet, slamming doors


Ryan is taking a test. He is focused on the questions, and feels like he knows the answers. Before the test, he took deep breaths and told himself "I can do it!"



Kevin has not eaten since breakfast, and it was 2:00PM. He was sitting in his desk at school, and when his teacher asked him to complete an assignment, he said "NO!" and refused to do it. What was his trigger?

Being hungry