coping skills
what would you do in this situation

. Listen to music 2. Go for a walk 3. Take a relaxing bath or shower 4. Drink some tea 5. Deep breaths - 5 counts in, 5 counts out 6. Call/text a friend 7. Meditate 8. Stretch 9. Make a list of things for which you are grateful 10. Alternately tap your knees 11. Watch a funny video 12. Eat your favorite snack 13. Take a nap 14. Journal (write your thoughts and feelings)

. Listen to music 2. Go for a walk 3. Take a relaxing bath or shower 4. Drink some tea 5. Deep breaths - 5 counts in, 5 counts out 6. Call/text a friend 7. Meditate 8. Stretch 9. Make a list of things for which you are grateful 10. Alternately tap your knees 11. Watch a funny video 12. Eat your favorite snack 13. Take a nap 14. Journal (write your thoughts and feelings)

  1. What would you do if you found a bag of cash on the street?
  2. Where would you be right now if you could be anywhere?
  3. What would you do if your friend came to class with no pants on?
  4. How would you react if I told you there were a spider on your shoulder?
  • What would you do if you found a bag of cash on the street?

15. Write poetry 16. Read a book 17. Cook or bake 18. Dance 19. Sing or play an instrument 20. Hug someone 21. Express yourself creatively through art 22. Smile 23. Use positive affirmations 24. Plan something fun to look forward to 25. Surf the Internet 26. Watch your favorite TV show 27. Play a board game or cards

15. Write poetry 16. Read a book 17. Cook or bake 18. Dance 19. Sing or play an instrument 20. Hug someone 21. Express yourself creatively through art 22. Smile 23. Use positive affirmations 24. Plan something fun to look forward to 25. Surf the Internet 26. Watch your favorite TV show 27. Play a board game or cards


28. Play video games 29. Take pictures 30. Move your body (e.g. running, yoga) 31. Set a positive intention for the day 32. Take a moment to notice something beautiful 33. Meditate, pray or contemplate 34. Light a candle and relax 35. Write a letter (to yourself or someone else) 36. Focus on self-compassion 37. Name your emotion, allow yourself to observe the emotion without judgment 38. Cry 39. Clean or organize something 40. Go to a park 41. Compliment someone 42. Express your thoughts/feelings to someone

28. Play video games 29. Take pictures 30. Move your body (e.g. running, yoga) 31. Set a positive intention for the day 32. Take a moment to notice something beautiful 33. Meditate, pray or contemplate 34. Light a candle and relax 35. Write a letter (to yourself or someone else) 36. Focus on self-compassion 37. Name your emotion, allow yourself to observe the emotion without judgment 38. Cry 39. Clean or organize something 40. Go to a park 41. Compliment someone 42. Express your thoughts/feelings to someone


43. Review . old photos of positive memories 44. Paint your nails 45. Spend time with a pet 46. Do a relaxation exercise 47. Redirect negative thoughts to more balanced thoughts 48. Find the silver lining in a negative situation 49. Help someone else 50. Eat something nourishing 51. Ask for help or support 52. Brainstorm or problem solve 53. Use guided imagery 54. Contemplate on your meaning/ purpose/values

43. Review . old photos of positive memories 44. Paint your nails 45. Spend time with a pet 46. Do a relaxation exercise 47. Redirect negative thoughts to more balanced thoughts 48. Find the silver lining in a negative situation 49. Help someone else 50. Eat something nourishing 51. Ask for help or support 52. Brainstorm or problem solve 53. Use guided imagery 54. Contemplate on your meaning/ purpose/values


57. Make a list of your choices in a 82. Ask yourself: "What do I need _right situation now?" and take steps towards 1t 58. Attend a self-help group 83. Go window shopping 59. Create a schedule for your day 8.4. Create a specific plan of action 60. Spend time with someone 85. Chew gum positive 86. Go people watching 61. Sit in a hot tub, sauna or pool 87. Go to a museum 62. Read inspirational quotes 88. Garden 63. Read self-help articles or books 89. Think of something you accomplished 6.4. Name 3+ of your positive attributes 90. Focus on being in the present moment 65. Take care of your physical 91. Write a blog appearance 92. Make a list of your personal coping 66. Take responsibility for your skills part of a problem 93. Play a sport 67. Turn a difficult situation into a 9.4. Volunteer learning experience, focus on 95. Catch yourself when you are the learning opportunity over-thinking 68. Visit a pet store, animal shelter 96. Write a thank you card to someone or feed animals 97. Wash dishes 69. Breathe in therapeutic aromas 98. Get a massage (or self-massage} 70. Go for a drive 99. Be with nature (e.g. forest, beach} 71. Sew or knit 100. Contemplate on love 72. Think of all the people who care about you 101. Listen to a hypnosis session on line 73. Do a puzzle, word search, etc 7.4. Go out to eat

57. Make a list of your choices in a 82. Ask yourself: "What do I need _right situation now?" and take steps towards 1t 58. Attend a self-help group 83. Go window shopping 59. Create a schedule for your day 8.4. Create a specific plan of action 60. Spend time with someone 85. Chew gum positive 86. Go people watching 61. Sit in a hot tub, sauna or pool 87. Go to a museum 62. Read inspirational quotes 88. Garden 63. Read self-help articles or books 89. Think of something you accomplished 6.4. Name 3+ of your positive attributes 90. Focus on being in the present moment 65. Take care of your physical 91. Write a blog appearance 92. Make a list of your personal coping 66. Take responsibility for your skills part of a problem 93. Play a sport 67. Turn a difficult situation into a 9.4. Volunteer learning experience, focus on 95. Catch yourself when you are the learning opportunity over-thinking 68. Visit a pet store, animal shelter 96. Write a thank you card to someone or feed animals 97. Wash dishes 69. Breathe in therapeutic aromas 98. Get a massage (or self-massage} 70. Go for a drive 99. Be with nature (e.g. forest, beach} 71. Sew or knit 100. Contemplate on love 72. Think of all the people who care about you 101. Listen to a hypnosis session on line 73. Do a puzzle, word search, etc 7.4. Go out to eat