Name This Skill
Alphabet Calming Choices
Ways to Resolve Conflict
Body Signals
Understanding My Feelings

When I slowly and deeply inhale and exhale. 

Hint: Can be done through the nose or the mouth or a combination of both. 

What is deep breathing? 


Name a calming choice that starts with the letter "C"

What is coloring, counting, etc. 

(answers will vary)


You can do this when you know you have done something wrong.

What is apologize?


This starts to pound faster when we get upset.

What is our heart?


I might feel this way if someone takes something of mine without asking and then breaks it.

What is feeling mad or angry?


When I say...  1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

What is Counting to 10?


Name a calming choice that starts with the letter "W"

What is taking a walk, walking away from the stressor, watching TV or videos, wiggle out my upset, etc.

(answers will vary)


You can do this by using your voice and sharing what you think or feel.  

What is talking it out or asking for help?


I find my voice getting louder and louder.  I am now doing what?

What is shouting?


I might feel this if one of my friends teases me or makes fun of me.

What is feeling sad or embarrassed?

(Answers may vary)


When I choose to calmly leave a situation that is upsetting to me.

What is walking away from a stressor or conflict?


Name a calming choice that begins with the letter "S".

What is sing, shake it out, squeeze a stress ball, scream into a pillow, share what is bothering you (using your words), etc.

(answers will vary)


When you choose to calmly leave the situation to take a break until you feel better?

What is walking away and letting it go?


This is the part of my body where I might feel butterflies or a sick feeling when I am upset.

What is stomach?


I might feel this way if something I am looking forward to doing gets cancelled.

What is feeling disappointed?

(Answers may vary)


When I use crayons or pencils with some paper.

What is coloring or sketching?


What is a calming choice that begins with the letter letter "P"?

What is phone a friend, pet or spend time with your animal, punch a pillow, take a peace walk, etc.

(answers will vary)


When you use your ears mostly and not your mouth.

What is listening to others.


I might feel hot in my face, neck, ears or another part of my body when upset.  

What is sweating or feeling flushed?


I might feel this way if I am trying and trying to do something and it is not working out the way I want it to.

What is frustrated?

(Answers may vary)


When you pretend that you are in a special place that you like and you use all your senses to take you there in your mind.  

What is imagine you're in your favorite place. 


What is a calming choice that begins with the letter "L"?

What is let it go, listen to music, laugh, leave the conflict or stressor.

(Answers will vary)


When you find a way that makes both people happy.

What is compromise?


I might feel this in my jaw, shoulders, neck or other places in my body.

What is feeling tense?


I might feel this way when my teacher calls on me to answer a question and I don't know the answer.

What is scared, nervous or anxious?

(Answers may vary)