Healthy and unhealthy coping skills
Practices & Benefits
True or false
Grounding Exercise

Name two healthy coping skills 

 What is journaling, listening to music, taking a walk, 4 square breathing, meditation, talking to someone, writing, drawing, listening to music, etc.


What is one benefit of using healthy coping skills?

what is feeling more relaxed, having a clear mind, creating healthy relationships, get to think about response to a situation, being in control etc.


True or False: 

Reacting quickly to my anger will not get me any consequences


Reacting quickly to anger often results in hurting yourself or others


True or False:

Coping skills are only needed when you are struggling with negative emotions.

False. The sooner you start practicing these skills, the more likely you are to use when needed.


Name three unhealthy coping skills

What are throwing things, yelling at others, cussing at others, harming yourself or others, not eating enough or eating too much, substance abuse/use, damaging property etc.


When does a healthy coping skill become unhealthy?

When it is done excessively and in an unhealthy way.


True or False: 

All coping skills are healthy coping skills.


some coping skills can be harmful (eating too much sweets, having too much screen time, substance use, etc.)


Naming things in categories can help refocus the mind when we're anxious, ruminating or feeling panic. Name three types of categories.

Colors, movies, countries, sports teams, animals, famous people, TV shows, etc


How do unhealthy coping skills affect us?

What is they can hurt us, can hurt others, can cause more problems, etc.


 Why are coping skills that bring us into the present so useful to treat worrying?

When I am worried, it's because I am either thinking about the past or thinking about the future.


True or False: 

What helps one person cope with stress may not necessarily help me.


Everyone has different coping skills and strategies that work for them. 


What are some mental exercises you can do to take your mind off uncomfortable feelings or ruminations?

count backwards from 100 by 7, spell your name backwards, pick up an item and notice with all senses, think of an object and draw it in your mind or with your finger in the air....etc


Some anger coping skills are

a.) walk away b.) take a deep breath c.) talk about it
d.) all of the above 

d.) all the above 


What is one way you can self soothe when you are upset?  (DAILY DOUBLE)

Think of favorite things, have cocoa, self-hug, blanket, go out into the sun, smell something soothing, etc.


True or False: 

Coping skills are used to avoid our problems


Coping skills are used to address current emotions and can benefit in addressing the problems. 


What are some body awareness exercises you can do to become present ?

change in temperature, intense exercise, stomp on ground and feel in feet, breathing exercise, tension release, sour candy, etc.


What are some of the coping skills you are currently using? 

Playing video games, watching videos, listening to music, walking away, talking to Amanda, taking space, gardening etc. 


Name 2 mindfulness practices

What is deep breathing (4 square breathing), mindful walking, meditation, grounding exercise, (name 5 things that are specific color) etc.


True or False:

Coping skills practiced regularly can eventually lead to less intense reactions to triggers.



What is 5-4-3-2-1- and how do you do it?

Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste