Act It Out
True or False
Sketch It
Imagine If

Pretend you are on stage performing a song that brings a smile to your face, makes you want to dance, or relaxes you. Act It Out by singing or humming that song out loud.

Well Done! 


Watching T.V. or playing video games for 3 hours or more is a healthy way to manage stress. 



Sketch something that can stress you out sometimes.

Taking a test, fighting with a friend, going to the dentist, speaking in front of the class, or being late to something.


Imagine if you were experiencing a crummy day, what would help YOU the most?

a) Listen To Music

b) Talk To An Adult You Trust

c) Play Outside

d) Draw/ Color/ Create Art

e) Build Something

d) Go For A Walk

Ms. Kellee's response:

a) Draw/Create Art


b) Talk To An Adult You Trust


List in order what stresses you out most about school, with 5 being the least and 1 being the most stressful:

a) Taking Tests

b) Not Understanding 

c) Homework

d) Expected to Stay Sitting, Still, & Quiet

e) Presenting in Front of Class

Ms. Kellee's top 5 

a) 1

b) 2

c) 4

d) 5

e) 3


From the following list, chose the healthy, good for you coping tool and Act It Out:

a) yelling at the next person who gets in your way 

b) playing video games for three hours straight 

c) take a walk outside

c) take a walk outside 


It is best to ignore your feelings, pretending they are not there.



Draw a peaceful place that you can visualize and think about the next time you could use a calming coping tool. 

Your room at home, a park, or the library.


Imagine if your friend told you they were stressed out because of something going on at home (and they didn't want to share any details), what are 3 helpful coping strategies you could suggest they try out? 

Ms. Kellee's answer

1. Write it down in a journal

2. Listen to calming music

3. Read a good book


List in order what stresses you out most about peer relationships, with 5 being the least and 1 being the most stressful:

a) Making New Friends/ Meeting New People

b) Being Bullied

c) Fighting With Friends

d) Not Fitting In

e) Getting Pressured To Do Something You Don't Want To Do

Ms. Kellee's Top 5

a) 3

b) 4

c) 1

d) 2

e) 5


Choose a healthy coping strategy from the following suggestions, or come up with your own, and without words, Act It Out. See if I can guess what the coping strategy is. 

read a book, write about how you feel, talk with a trusted adult or friend, ride a bike, build something, practice yoga, paint or draw, cook or bake, think or write about three things for which you are grateful.


When life gets hard, asking an adult that you trust for help will only make it worse. 



Draw something that makes you feel happy and excited.

your favorite thing to do, your family and friends, animals, favorite book or movie.


Imagine if you were really worried about something, and noticed that it was impacting your ability to focus in school and sleep at night, name at least 1 person you could ask for help.

Your Teacher, Mom or Dad, a good friend, another trusted adult. 


List in order what stresses you out most about family with 5 being the least and 1 being the most stressful:

a) Not Having Enough Money

b) Conflict/Problems With Siblings

c) Parents Fighting

d) Death Of A Loved One (Pets Included)

e) Not Spending Enough Time Together

Ms. Kellee's Top 5 

a) 5

b) 2

c) 1

d) 3

e) 4


What is your favorite way to exercise to help you deal with uncomfortable feelings such as stress, anxiety, or anger? Act it Out. 

Ms. Kellee's answer

Writing it down 


Exercising releases "feel-good," chemicals in our bodies that can improve our mood. And when we feel better, we often make better choices about how to deal with challenges. 



Draw something you can do to take good, kind care of yourself when you feel sad.

Snuggle with your pet, read a book, watch a movie, write in a journal, or talk to a friend or trusted adult.


Imagine if you asked to teach a class called "How to Relax." Show us the relaxation technique you would teach.

Breathe in and out, count to ten, focus on your five senses, or close your eyes.


Coping Strategies:

A) are things people can do to feel better and increase peace and calmness when life gets tough.

B) make things worse when life gets tough.

A) are things people can do to feel better and increase peace and calmness when life gets tough. 


Choose 3 of the coping tools below and Act Them Out in 1 minute as I guess which ones you are acting out. 

1) Exercise (like playing soccer, basketball, or running)

2) Create Art (painting, drawing, sculpting)

3) Talk to someone you trust

4) Watch a funny movie

5) Go outside to connect with nature 

6) Take a nap

7) Imagine a calm place or happy memory

8) Listen to music 

9) Play with your pet

10) Read a book


Exercising, taking mindful, deep breaths, listening to music, drawing, playing and/or snuggling with a pet, talking or writing about your feelings, thinking about what you are grateful for, imagining a peaceful place, and making a list of 5 positive things are all healthy coping strategies. 



Draw 3 things you are grateful for that you can remind yourself of when experiencing a really tough day.

Your family, your friends, good weather, things you like to do, your favorite food, or your favorite video game.  


Imagine if someone you cared about said something mean to you, and you noticed you started to feel bad about yourself, what are 3 positive things you could remind yourself of? 

You are awesome, wonderful, and loveable just as you are! 


Top 3 Things That Help You Get Through Hard & Stressful Times: 

Ms. Kellee's Top 3

1) Creating something (art)

2) Talking to Someone

3) Writing it Down