Helpful or Unhelpful
Name that skill
At School
Name that Skill2

Which is a healthy way to deal with anger: Telling your friend why you're mad or punching a pillow with their face on it?

Telling your friend why you're mad. This would be the more helpful choice to make.


Swimming, jumping jacks, running, trampoline, push ups



A friend ripped your backpack off of your back and ran away laughing. Should you: Run after them yelling, or take 3 deep breaths?

3 deep breaths


Pushing on a wall, pressing on a table or desk with your hand, pressing the palms of your hands together hard, linking your fingers and pulling against them

Tension exercises


What is a coping skill?

An activity or skill you use to calm down, feel happier, and/or take care of yourself.


Take 3 deep breaths!



Going to a quiet spot to calm down so you can get back to the activity

Taking a break

What are some coping skills you can use at school?

Deep breathing, going for a walk, drinking water, asking for a break, counting to 10


True or false

Coping skills help you get through hard days.

True- coping skills help you feel calmer, happier, and stronger.


what is a good example of a grounding skill

name 5 things you see, 4 things you feel/touch, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste


What makes a coping skill unhealthy/unhelpful?

When it is unhelpful, unsafe, or hurtful to yourself or others.


What would be a healthy coping skill to use with a family members that made you mad?

Talking it out, asking for space, talking to a trusted adult, taking deep breaths, going for a walk around the house


What coping skills can you use if you are feeling unfocused in class?

Deep breathing, going for a walk, asking for a break...


I can do this, just relax, take a deep breath, stay calm, think of something positive, I've got this

Coach/Positive self-talk


Name all the red things you can see, name all the orange things you can see,.......

Rainbow game


Which of these are helpful

Freeze/wet noodle, screaming at someone, tension exercise

Freeze/wet noodle

Tension exercise


What things can we do with our brains to help us when we are scared, sad or mad?

Check what we are thinking - is it helpful or unhelpful?  Are there other reasons something could have happened?  Is our thought accurate or can we challenge it?


What coping tools can you use if you feel like you have a lot of energy when you are angry, nervous or super excited

Breathe, freeze/wet noodle, push/pull/dangle, tension exercises


in your imagination, go to your favorite place/someplace that makes you feel safe, calm and happy - use all your senses

channel switching and visualization


Identify the unhelpful thought and challenge and change it - use facts to make it stronger

Detective work - positive counter thoughts - argue with the negative


Amanda was anxious during math class. Her friend Jimmy asked her what was wrong? Amanda said "I don't want to talk to you right now, you are being annoying? Was this a helpful/non helpful skill?



Give yourself a big, squeezy hug and then slowly let your arms fall to the side

Melting snowman


If a friend keeps bothering you at school, what are some coping skills you can use?

Talk to an adult, take deep breaths, ask for a break.


Tighten your muscles for 5 seconds, loosen all your muscles for 5 seconds, repeat five times

Statue/wet noodle and the 5-5-5 rule


How many coping skills can you name

  • Breathe
  • Take a break/walk away
  • Quiet Place
  • Relax Muscles  (PMR, 5-5-5-, snowman melt)
  • Push, Pull, Dangle
  • Tension exercises
  • Music
  • Block – do something (action) counter to the impulsive action
  • Distract/keep busy
  • Channel switching/happy thoughts
  • Chew something/suck on something (i.e., lifesavers, hard candy)
  • Exercise/energy release
  • Laugh, sing, humor
  • Convert energy to positive activity (i.e., cleaning)
  • Self soothe – rub, twirl, fidget, wrap in blanket
  • Mindfully focus on current activity
  • Talk to someone
  • Write/journal
  • Visualization
  • Draw, paint, color, art
  • Smile
  • Take a walk
  • Count backward
  • Eat/drink something hot/cold
  • Use senses – grounding (5-4-3-2-1; rainbow game)
  • Positive self-talk
  • Argue with negative/unhelpful thoughts
  • Mind exercise – i.e, count by “3’s”
  • Stretch (over head, shoulder twists, arms behind back and bend down, side to side head)
  • Squeeze (with or without pillow or stuffy)
  • Tap (shoulder tap)