Which is a healthy way to deal with anger: Telling your friend why you're mad or ignoring them?
Telling your friend why you're mad. This would be the more helpful choice to make.
All coping skills are healthy
A friend ripped your backpack off of your back and ran away laughing. Should you: Run after them yelling, or take 3 deep breaths?
3 deep breaths
What is 1 coping skill you can use at home to help you feel better?
playing outside, playing a game, listening to music, writing in a journal
What is are coping skills?
An activity or skill you use to calm down, feel happier, and/or take care of yourself.
Using 5 finger breathing
This is a healthy way to help us slow down and process what we're feeling!
Coping skills can help you get through hard days
True- coping skills help you feel calmer, happier, and stronger.
Name 2 coping skills you can use in a school setting
Use a fidget toy, deep breathing/5 finger breathing
Who at home can help support you using healthy coping skills?
Guardian, sibling, cousin, friend
What is your favorite coping skill to use?
Ex. Taking a walk, watching a movie etc.
What makes a coping skill unhealthy?
When it is unhelpful, unsafe, or hurtful to yourself or others.
Everyone uses the same coping skills
False- everyone has different coping skills that are helpful to them. What one student finds helpful may not be helpful to another.
What coping skill can you use if you're feeling anxious in class?
54321 Method (5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste)
What would be a healthy coping skill to use with a sibling that made you mad?
Talking it out, asking for space, taking a walk
What is a coping skill you'd like to try but haven't?
Ex. A mindfulness meditation
Name 1 healthy coping skill and 1 unhealthy coping skill
A healthy coping skill could be listening to a favorite song, an unhealthy coping skill could be yelling at someone
Hurting yourself or others is an unhealthy coping skill
True- it is unhelpful and harmful to hurt yourself or those around you. Try to find a healthier option!
If someone says something hurtful to you, what coping skills can you use?
Use your words, let the person know what they said was hurtful, talk to a trusted adult, say positive affirmations to yourself (I am smart, kind, strong etc.)
If people around you are using unhealthy coping skills, does that mean you also have to use unhealthy coping skills?
No! You are your own person and deserve to use healthy coping skills even if other people aren't.
What is a healthy coping skill you use when you're mad?
Ex. Screaming into a pillow
What makes a coping skill healthy?
When it is safe, helpful, and doesn't harm yourself or others.
Crying is an unhealthy coping skill
False- crying is a healthy way to deal with strong feelings
Who can you go to in your school if you need support using coping skills?
Teacher, principal, counsellor, other trusted adult
What is 1 healthy coping skill you only use at home?
Examples could be listening to music loudly, having a bath, spending time with a pet etc.
What is a healthy coping skill you like to use when you're sad?
Ex. Watch a funny movie, talk to a friend