Individual Coping Skills
Group Coping Skills
General Coping Skills
How can listening to music be used a coping skill?
Listening to music can be relaxing and can help take your mind off of stressors.
How can helping another person be used as a coping skill.
Helping others can improve our mood and make us feel good about ourselves.

What are signs that you are angry? Show me!

Examples are: fist clenching, heavy breathing, yelling, and more.

Name 3 negative coping skills.

Hurting self, not talking about it, staying quiet,  fighting others, yelling, and more.

What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel

How can participating in hobbies be used as a coping skill?

Participating in hobbies helps to have fun, relax, and talk with friends.

How can talking to a family member be used as a coping skill?
Talking to someone about your problems/stressors allows you to express your emotions and feelings and get everything out in the open rather than bottling it up.

What is a calming skill you can do when angry?

Deep breaths, walk away, ask for a short break, listen to music, read a book, and more!


Name 3 positive coping skills.

Exercise, art activities, talking to a friend, relaxing activities, and many more!

What can you catch, but not throw?
A cold

How can exercising be used as a coping skill?

Exercising increases your energy and mood, focus, self-esteem and releases feel good endorphins into your brain. 

How can going for a walk with a friend be used as a coping skill?
Not only is walking good exercise, but doing this activity with a friend provides an opportunity to talk about your stessors and improve your overall mood.

What is an unhealthy coping skill example for anger?

Screaming, hurting others, hitting, and more.

Name one stressor in your life and a positive way you can cope with that stressor.
What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
A stamp
How can creating artwork be used as a coping skill?
Art can be used as a way to express your emotions/feelings.

How can talking and playing with others be used as a coping skill?

It helps you not feel stressed and to instead have fun.

How do you do a correct deep breath?

Slowly inhale in your nose and slowly exhale out your mouth.

I have holes in my top, bottom, left, right, and middle but I can still hold water. What am I?
A sponge