True or False

Coping can be defined as the efforts we make to manage situations we have appraised as potentially harmful or stressful.

What is True?


What has to be broken before you can use it?

What is a egg?


According to the American Psychological Association (APA), this is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, threats or other significant sources of stress.

What is Resilience? 


The behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that you use to adjust to the changes that occur in your life.

What are Coping Strategies?


Automatic thoughts have the potential to do ____ intense negative emotions.

What is Trigger? 

Usually, we are more aware of the emotions themselves than the thoughts that trigger them. 


Only some people who are engaged in addictive behavior will experience uncomfortable cravings and urges.

What is False?

Everyone engaged in addictive behavior will experience uncomfortable cravings and urges.


A word I know, six letters it contains, removes one letter, and twelve remains. What am I?

What is Dozens?


The APA suggests these many strategies to build resilience.

What is 10?

Make connections, avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems, accept that change is part of living, move toward your goal, take decisive action, look for opportunities of self-discovery, nurture a positive view of yourself, keep things in perspective, maintain a hopeful outlook, and take care of yourself.


In most instances it is what that plays the largest role in determining how we feel, not the situation itself.

What are Automatic Thoughts?


Have you ever predicted the future without knowing what might happen ? You may have had thoughts like “I’m going to get fired,” “My spouse is going to divorce me/my girlfriend is going to break up with me,” or anticipated any number of other (usually dire) future outcomes. Has your prediction ever developed into a “what-if spiral” in which one “what if” leads to another and another in a seemingly endless cycle? This is called?

What is Jumping to Conclusions?

Maybe your conclusions have proven correct at times. But our thoughts can sometimes tend toward the extreme, particularly when we are anxious, depressed, or feeling other strong emotions.


The mental activities of cravings and urges disappear over time unless you actively maintain them with your attention.

What is True?

Given time, they will run their course and disappear. If they aren’t gone in 10-15 minutes, then chances are you are still exposed to the stimulus that cued the urge in the first place.


I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn again, what is in will not get out. What am I?

What is a Key?


To be a coper means to have skills in these five categories.

What is Stress Management, Time Management, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making, and Life-Style Management?


This focuses on ways to tackle the issue in order to reduce stress around a given situation.

What is Problem-Solving?


It’s not uncommon for people who have a mostly good performance review to filter out most of the praise and instead fixate on the one or two areas where there’s room for improvement. What is this called?

What is Negative Filtering?

Despite the majority of the feedback being positive, negative filtering might cause us to perceive the review as wholly negative, triggering emotions of disappointment, sadness, or anxiety.


Urges and cravings to use drugs or alcohol do not trigger automatic thoughts.

What is False?

Urges and cravings trigger automatic thoughts. Automatic thoughts are the thoughts that automatically arise in our minds all throughout the day. Often, we are completely unaware we are even having thoughts.


What breaks yet never falls, and what falls yet never breaks?

What is Day and Night?


This refers to the act of identifying ineffective patterns in thinking, and changing them to be more effective.

What is Cognitive Restructuring?

More effective can mean triggering less negative emotion, seeing things more clearly, or enabling more skillful behavior. Cognitive restructuring builds on your ability to accurately recognize automatic thoughts and feelings.


This gathers tools to nurture one's emotional health during the stressful period.

What is Emotion-focused Coping?


Coping is generally categorized into four major categories which are.

What is Problem-focused, Emotion-focused, Meaning-focused, and Social coping (support-seeking)? 


The first step in your recovery is to understand why you use drugs or alcohol and your reasons for
wanting to make a change

What is True?


What are the next three letters in this combination? OTTFFSS

What is ENT?


These are often described as negative events; however, positive changes in life can also constitute these, thus requiring the use of coping skills to adapt.

What is Life Stressors?


We all develop mental habits—certain ways of thinking—over time. Some of these mental habits can lead us to consistently interpret situations in unhelpful ways, inconsistent with the facts of a situation, or leave out an important part of the picture. These are called what?

What are Cognitive Distortions?

The reality is, whether or not you consider these thoughts to be “distorted,” in order to function in the world, we need mental shortcuts—quick ways of making sense of a situation without wasting too much energy thinking about it. It’s when we apply these shortcuts ineffectively that they become cognitive distortions.


The process by which we develop an awareness and understanding of our thinking.

What is Metacognition?

Merely becoming aware of the thought process helps us distance ourselves from our reflexive cognitive responses and reevaluate them.