What does the CO stand for?
Central Office
What does SAC stand for?
Service Area Connectors
What does the NIB stand for?
Network Interface Box
This allows you to connect a pair of wires to the front to extend the services to the next connection point.
Connection block
What are the other terms we use to describe a SAC?
JWI - Joint Wire Interface
ERA - Extended Reach ADSL
This cable is connected to the assigned distribution pair for your circuit in an aerial or underground terminal.
Drop Cable
What do you call a smaller structure that functions most if not all the features of a CO?
What are the two types of Aerial Terminals?
Subscriber Line Circuit (SLIC) and Ready Access (RA) terminal.
In an MDU, TELUS copper services are brought inside by this cable.
Entrance cable
The equipment that creates a dial tone.
Line Equipment or Switch
These are distribution cables that connects the TELUS network to the customer’s premises. This connects the NIB to the terminals.
The drop cable is terminated into what part of the NIB?
Into a protector
This structure usually has 2 sides. With one side having connection blocks that are fed from equipment in the CO itself and the other side that allows a connection to cables that typically go underground, out of the CO to locations like a SAC box.
What are the usual marker colors of the connection strips that indicate which of are the feeder cable and which is the distribution cable. Be specific.
Green for feeder cables and Blue for distribution cables.
Where is the NIB typically located in a SFU?
Typically located on the outside, side of the garage or inside a carport of a Single Family Unit (SFU)