Was Saint Mary the Mother of Jesus in the upper room prayer meeting with the rest of the disciples?
What must Copts do for 9 hours before receiving the Eucharist?
This is the final week of Great Lent that begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday.
Passion Week.
How long is the Great Lent?
55 days.
What is mummy’s favorite kind of coffee?
De-coffin-ated (ha ha ha).
First and last books of the Bible?
Genesis and Revelation
What are the prayers contained in the Book of Hours called?
This is the day when we remember Jesus' death and crucifixion. On this day, Roman soldiers took Jesus to Golgotha, the place of the skull, where he was crucified.
Good Friday.
Name the 7 weeks of the Great Lent.
2. Temptation
3. Prodigal Son
4.Samaritan Woman
5.Paralyzed Man
6.Blind Man
7.Palm Sunday
What do you call an Egyptian doctor?
How many Gospels can we find in the Bible and name their authors.
Who brought Christianity to Egypt?
Saint Mark.
This is the day where Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, accompanied by his disciples, while crowds of people covered the streets ahead of him with their cloaks and with branches.
Palm Sunday.
Is Resurrection feast considered a minor or major feast?
Major feast.
Why are good soccer players excellent at math?
They know how to use their heads. (LOOOL)
How many hours are in the Agpeya?
7 hours.
Who do we believe wrote the book of Acts?
Saint Luke inspired by the Holy Spirit.
On this day, Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and celebrated the Feast of the Passover, instituting the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Maundy Thursday/Last Supper/Passover
Which of the Apostles doubts Jesus' resurrection until he sees Jesus with his own eyes?
I am the first letter of each Emoji
Milk Owl Sandwich Eggplant Salad = Moses
Which hour in the Agpeya is centered around the Crucifixion?
6th Hour.
Who was chosen instead of Judas as the 12th disciple?
What is Bright Saturday?
Christ went to hades to save the souls of the just.
How many days after the Resurrection of our Lord did He ascend and how many days after the Resurrection of our Lord did the Pentecost occur?
40 (Acts 1:3) and 50 days.
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Sun Tomato Potato Eagle Turtle Eggplant Rocket = St. Peter
Sun Tomato Plane Avocado Umbrella Light = St. Paul