The Bible Old and New Testament
Seasons Of the Church
Church History

How Many Books Are In The New Testament?

What is: 27 Books


What Saint Started Monasticism?

Who is: Saint Anthony The Great

How may major feasts does the church have? How many minor feasts?

7 major

8 minor


Which Apostle came to Alexandria, Egypt and Established the Coptic Church?

Who is: St.Mark


What are the three liturgies of the Coptic Church?

What is: Saint Basil, Saint Gregory, and Saint Cyril 


How Many Books are in the Old Testament? 

46 Books


Which Saint was the First to preach to the Egyptians?

Who is: Saint Mark


What Day does the Coptic Church celebrate the New Year (Coptic and English Dates)

Tut 1 ( September 11)


What are the three Ecumenical Councils? 

DOUBLE JEOPARDY - What years were they held?

1. Council Of Nicaea- 325 AD

2. Council Of Constantinople- 381 AD

3. Council Of Ephesus-431 AD


What are the Seven Sacraments?

1. Baptism 

2. Confirmation 

3. Confession 

4. Eucharist 

5. Unction of the Sick

 6. Matrimony 

7. Priesthood


Name 7 of the 14 Pauline Epistles

Romans, Corinthians 1 and 2, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians Colossians, Thessalonians 1 and 2 Timothy 1 and 2, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews


Which Saint pretended to be a man in order to live a monastic life?

Saint Marina the Monk


How Many Days After Resurrection is the Ascension? 

What is: 40 days


What Heresy did the Council of Nicaea Refute Bonus: what did that Hersey say?

What is: The Arian Hersey and that Jesus Christ is not equal to God the father.


What is the Epiclesis?

The Anaphora- God's Holy Spirit is called on to come down "upon us and upon these gifts" so that they may become the true Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ


Name the Catholic Epistles

James, Peter, John 1,2,3, and Jude


Which Saint Emphasized the importance of Christian Education and helped establish Sunday School for Coptic People?

Who is: Saint Habib Guirgis


Name 3 Of the Themes  for the Sundays Of Great Lent? Palm Sunday Doesn’t Count 

Treasures Of Heaven, Temptation Sunday, The Prodigal Son, The Samaritan Women, The Paralyzed Man, The Man Born Blind


What is the Name of the Saint who refuted the Heresy of Arius at the council of Nicaea?

Saint Athanasius 


What are the readings the church reads every day in order? Include Vespers and Matins

Vespers Psalm Gospel

Matins Psalm Gospel

 Liturgy Pauline

Liturgy Catholic

 Liturgy Gospel 


What did the Old Testament prophesize?

It tells the story of the Israelites and how they failed to follow God, and prophesied about the coming of Christ and our salvation.


Who was the first Martyr and what did he say as he was being Martyred?

Who Is: Saint Steven -"Do not let them be charged with this sin"


Name 4 of the 8 minor feasts- 

DOUBLE JEOPARDY if you can give their corresponding Coptic months and dates 

1. Nayrouz (Coptic new year) - Tute 1

2. Circumcision of Christ - Tubah 6

3. Entrance into the Temple - Amshir 8

4. Entrance into Egypt- Bashans 24

5. Wedding of Cana - Tubah 13

6. Transfiguration - Misra 13

7. Holy Thursday (variable)

8. Thomas Sunday (variable)


Which Council Does the Coptic Church not recognize?

Council Of Chalcedon


What does Liturgy Mean?

The work of the people