What is copyright?
What is an example of a created work?
Writings, poetry, drama, music, dance steps, photography, art, computer programs, video games.
Susie uses two sentences from a newspaper article to support her main point of her essay. What type of fair use is this?
Using only a small portion.
What is public domain?
A creative work that belongs to everyone and is not protected by copyright.
They can choose to make their creative works available for free and use without their permission.
What is protected by copyright?
Created works like art, music, poetry and even dance.
WRONG! Sharing and copying are not the same. Taking pictures of other people's created works can be considered infringement if you are not sharing with permission or if you have not purchased rights to their work.
Tommy uses a small portion of his favorite song in a google slideshow for his history class. What type of fair use is this?
Fair use is: use for educational purposes.
What is 95 years or 70 years after the death of the creator?
At the end of a presentation, the presenter lists the names and titles of the articles they used to support their work. What is giving this type of credit called?
Citing your sources!
Who does copyright help?
Creators - so they get fairly acknowledged and paid for the creations. This allows them to keep creating.
What is it called if someone uses another persons' created work without permission?
Is using an ENTIRE song for background music in a video you're making fair use?
No. Using an entire song without permission is infringement.
What is an example of public domain that was never protected by copyright?
Facts and ideas, government works, generic or traditional works, short phrases and names.
If I pay for a streaming service like Spotify or Netflix, am I respecting copyright? Why or why not?
Yes! Paying for these services gives compensation to the creators of the works you are enjoying on these platforms.
What would happen if creators were not protected by copyright laws?
Creators could not make a living and would stop creating.
What are examples of creative works for students here at school?
Artwork, original, music, papers you write, drawings you make.
What is the definition of fair use?
Fair use is using created works without the permission of the creator in ways that still respect, in fair ways, the work of the creator.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Is this phrase in the public domain?
Yes! Because it is a traditional proverb or saying.
My cousin downloads movies online that are still in movie theaters and watches them for free. Does this respect copyright laws?
It does not! This is a classic example of infringement and hurts the market for creators.
What types of work cannot be copyrighted?
Anything in the public domain, slogans, public knowledge like facts and ideas.
What does it mean if a work is "original?"
Completely new, no one has created that work before.
Weird Al Yankovich rewrote Michael Jackson's song "Beat it" to a silly version about food called "Eat it." What form of Fair use is this?
Transformative work: parody.
"Just do it." "Finger-lickin good" and "Got milk?" are all examples of what form of public domain?
Do libraries infringe on copyright because they share books?
No! Libraries purchase copies of books so authors are fairly compensated. Because libraries share the same copy of a book over and over, this is appropriate use of a given copy of a book.