Copyright 1
Copyright 2
Copyright 3
Copyright 4
Copyright 5
Your work is not automatically protected by copyright.
What is False?
The short phrase "Just Do It" it copyrighted under what law?
What is Trademark?
One of four factor's in determining whether a use of a copyrighted work is fair use.
What is amount of work used? What is purpose of the use? What is effect on the commercial market for the work used?
This is the length of time that a creator has to register their work from the initial date of it being tangible and fixed.
What is 5 years?
I posted an original poem on an online message board. What do I need to do to get it copyrighted?
What is nothing? It is automatically under copyright.
If you paint a mural on a classroom wall as an assignment for your art class, who owns the copyright?
What is you do because you are the "author" of the work?
For corporate works created after 1977, copyright can last for how many years from years from publication.
What is 95-120?
All works published before 1923.
What is Public Domain?
The Nike Corporation owns the rights to the "Swoosh"
What is a Trademark?
The sole purpose of copyright is to make creators money and protect them from getting their works stolen?
What is false? Copyright was established to encourage the growth of science, education and the arts...knowledge.
The primary purpose of copyright law is not so much to protect the interests of the authors/creators, but rather to promote the progress of
What is science and the useful arts—that is—knowledge?
Works published between 1923 and 1978 that did not contain a valid copyright notice
What is Public Domain?
Coca Cola and McDonald's have symbols that identify their products.
What is Trademark?
Anyone who violates the "exclusive rights of the copyright holder is guilty of this.
What is copyright infringement?
To give credit.
What is attribution?
Non Commercial. This means you can't do what with the work?
What is make money?
Works published between 1923 and 1978 for which copyright was not renewed.
What is Public Domain?
A child's finger painting can not be copyrighted?
What is False?
The unauthorized use or reproduction of another's work "software piracy" Synonyms:
What is illegal copying, plagiarism, copyright infringement, bootlegging?
Before the copyright act of 1976 you had to file for copyright or it could immediately become part of the public domain.
What is True?
Does copyright protect computer software?
What is True?
The practice of or ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the Internet
What is File Sharing?
You wrote something and you want to send it to a writing contest. How would you copyright it?
What is It is already protected by the copyright law once you have it written down. Register it!
Copying any protected material (texts, sounds, images, etc.) for a limited and transformative purpose, like criticizing, commenting, parodying, news reporting, teaching.
What is Fair Use?
John buys a brand new CD but decides he doesn't like the music, so he resells the CD on eBay. That's legal?
What is true?