What is/isn't protected?
What is copyright?
How does copyright apply to students/teachers?
Fair Use
Who can claim copyright?
(True or False) Both published and unpublished works are protected under copyright
What is: True
A legal protection automatically provided to the authors of "original works of authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works.
What is: Copyright
(True or False) Copyright laws apply to teachers?
What is: True
Recognizes that certain types of use of other peoples copyright works do not require the copyright holders authorization
What is: Fair Use
The author and those deriving their rights through the author can rightfully claim copyright.
What is: who can claim copyright?
Ideas, principles, concepts, facts, pre-existing material, procedures, process, and public domain
What is: Things not protected under copyright
What are: musical compositions, dance choreography, architectural plans, computer programs, poems, newspaper articles
What is: examples of copyrighted materials
Mr. Bank created an art presentation derived from artists' works, written sources and museums. He cited all his sources on a resource slide. What is Mr. Bank demonstrating?
What is: Correct Copyright Procedures/ Teacher Modeling
Allow teachers and students to use the material for educational purposes
What is: Purpose of Fair Use
Mrs. S writes all the tests for her classroom. Can she claim copyright?
What is: Yes
can last from 95 to 120 years from publication
What is: How long copyright can last
What does this symbol represent?
What is: Copyrighted work
Is it OK to reproduce something that was unexpected and spontaneous in the classroom? (Example: using a newspaper article that is directly relevant to the days topic)
What is: Yes
The following two examples are examples of: 1. Is the material being used for commercial or for nonprofit educational purposes? 2. Is the material merely factual or a work of talent and imagination? Outdated or still available?
What is: Criteria for Fair Use
A fourth-grade student thinks of an idea for a book she wants to write but has nothing written down. Can she claim copyright?
What is: No