How did the invention of the steamboat affect the growth of the United States during the early to mid 1800's?
It allowed them to move cargo upriver faster and easier.
Where were most factories of this time period located?
In the North
Adding the same number to both sides of an equation will not change the equation
Addition Property of Equality
a number that multiplies a variable
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!
Hyperbole ( a figure of speech when an extreme exaggeration is used to make a point)
Name a pull factor that led to increased immigration to America in the mid 1800's.
The gold in California.
What was the push factor that led to increased immigration to America in the mid 1800's?
The blight of potatoes in Ireland.
Replacing one value with another in an equation will not change the value.
Substitution property of equality
dividing both sides of an equation by the same non zero number will not change the equation
division property of equality
That woman is pretty ugly.
oxymoron (two words which appear to contradict each other but make sense of the situation overall)
What that of regional development was most accurate of the North and South in the mid 1800's?
The North was known for industrialization and agriculture.
What were 2 direct results of the inventions of the cotton gin?
The cotton gin allowed more cotton to be made which used more slaves
A symbol like x or y that stands for some number
What is the least common M&M color?
The beautiful blue butterfly bumped into a box.
Alliteration (when two or more nearby words start with the same consonant sound)
The multiple effect evaporator had effects that were very similar to what other invention?
The Cotton Gin
Which state in the US is only one syllable long?
Multiplication property of equality
subtracting the same number on both sides of an equation will not change the equation
Subtraction property of equality
The ghost said boo.
Onomatopoeia (words which are used to describe a sound actually resemble the sound they are referring to)
Why did migrants from China find themselves working in laundries and in mines?
They took the dirty work because they were immigrants.
How do the stitches on a baseball affect the speed at which it travels?
They make it faster
A pair of integers or terms with the same absolute value but opposite signs
Zero Pair
What are the names of the Rice Krispies mascots?
Snap, Crackle and Pop
Why are you so heavy, suitcase?
Personification (gives an inanimate object or item a sense of being alive. The speaker would talk to the object as if could understand and was intelligent)