What was the "head tax"?

To stop more Chinese people from coming, the Canadian government required Chinese immigrants to pay a “head tax”. This meant that each immigrant who entered Canada had to pay a fee to the Canadian government. As time went on, the Canadian government kept raising the fee. It was raised all the way up to $500. This was the amount of money a Chinese worker would make in two years!


The word ‘cordillera’ is actually a Spanish word that means........

-means mountains 


Name a type of vegetation found in this region. 

There are many different types of trees in the Cordillera. Here you can find Dougal Fir trees, White Spruce, Lodge Pole Pine, and many types of grasses.


Name a type of severe or natural disasters that can occur in this region. 

-wild fires etc.


The first First Nation people who lived in the Cordillera region were.......

The Haida and Nootka.


Was is the climate of the Cordillera region. 

The climate in the northern parts of this region are also cooler than those in southern parts of the Cordillera region. The mountain peaks in the cordillera have a huge impact on climate. Parts of this region can be very windy and wet, while others can be very dry and desert-like.


Name 2 popular jobs in this region. 

Some jobs include farming, fishing, oil, gas, loggers and tourism. 


Describe three landforms for this area. 






Name the types of jobs the Chinese immigrants had on the railway and how they were treated. 

The brave men who came from China faced difficult and grueling work. The men from China were paid less than the European workers and thousands of the Chinese men died as they were expected to do the most dangerous jobs in the railway building.


Describe three benefits of the railway being built.

The NWMP could respond faster to calls for help, product could be sent across the country and new settlers can easily come to this region.


Name three different types of wildlife that reside in this area. 

The Cordillera is full of many different types of animals. Here you can find caribou, bears, moose, mountain goats, snakes, fish, and birds of many species.


Name all four provinces/territories that the Cordillera region covers. 






Name four natural resources that are found in this region. 





-oil and gas




Describe how were Sikhs treated.

Sikhs took jobs in railway construction, forestry, and the lumber mills. Despite poor treatment and poor pay, Sikhs stayed and built communities.The continuous passage act stated that anyone who wished to emigrate from India to Canada could only do so if they came directly by ship, without stopping at any other port. Since no ships sailed directly from India to Canada, this law made sure that no more Indian people could come to Canada.