What does HIPAA stand for?
Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
How much time is allowed to process a MAGI application?
45 days
What are the three types of applications?
1-A (General), 1-L (LTC), 1-MB (MSP)
Name the five ways to search in LaMEDS.
How do deleted case notes appear in a case notes search?
With a strikethrough
What does FPIG stand for?
Federal Poverty Income Guidelines
Name all the ways to apply for Medicaid?
Online, Phone, In person, Mail
What three things are needed for an application to be valid?
Name, Address and Signature
Which icon helps users locate Person IDs, Case IDs, etc.?
Magnifying Glass
What are the three questions to ask yourself when writing a case note?
Why am I here, What did I see, What was the result
What does MAGI stand for?
Modified Adjusted Gross Income
An individual who uses good judgment or common sense in handling practical matters is called?
A Prudent Person
Who can apply?
Everyone, can not deny an application
What type of search allows users to get information about the case, case status, contact information, and currently associated programs?
Case Search
What is the difference between Central Print and Local Print?
Central Print- prints automatically overnight and is mailed to the applicant or enrollee.
Local Print- prints from the local printer and must be uploaded to EDMS and mailed locally.
What does LaMEDS stand for?
Louisiana Medicaid Eligibility Determination System
If an applicant/beneficiary doesn’t speak English fluently, we have access to translators who can help us communicate. The company that provides this service is?
Language Line Solutions
Who can sign an application?
The applicant, Adults for their children/dependents, and ARs
Key information used to associate documents (Name, SSN, DOB, etc.) is known as...?
Meta Data
How do we authenticate a call?
Ask for the caller’s name and SSN. The name, date of birth, and the case id can also be used as another method of verification.
What does CPCS stand for?
Cross Program Case Search
What three sub portals do the SSP contain?
Public, Partner, Provider
What information can you provide to an AR with partial access?
Check the status of an application and sign on applicant's behalf
What are the 3 ways a user can search for a document?
Right Navigation Pane - Search Documents button Search Documents in EDMS screen Case Notes - Search screen
What are the three types of screens in the SSP?
Question screen, Details screen and Summary screen.