While definitions vary, this can be seen as the capability to convert resources into achievements.
What is agency?
Describe ANY critique of "social progress", a theory often nested within social evolution.
What is....(Open-ended)? (i.e., inadequate biological metaphor, ethnocentric bias, ignores negatives of moving towards modernization, non-linear trajectory of many societies)
Though definitions vary, this is something seen as both a constraint and an enabler to agency often represented through the metaphor of "girders" in a building that create the foundation.
What is structure?
Weber sees this concept as ability to realize a goal against the resistance of others, while Foucault conceptualizes it as more of a creative force capable of producing different identities.
What is power?
This author is responsible for a controversial critical realist perspective popularizing the concept of "morphogenesis", where invidivduals elaborate upon structure.
Who is Archer?
Name at least one of the two models Hallinan suggests that take into account the discontinuity and irregularity often present in social change.
What is the chaos model ...OR... catastrophe model?
The highest form of agency according to Bazzani.
What is influence?
This theoretical lens views power as transcending structure and agency.
What is post-structuralist?
Name an example of a social structure that has both "depth" and "power" based on Sewell's definitions of structure (other than Capitalism).
What is...(i.e., democracy in the US, globalization, etc.)
The most prominent modern theorist who views power as a "zero-sum-game".
Who is Talcott Parsons?