Money Skills
Social Skills
Problem Solving

This word means, putting money into your bank account 

What is a deposit 


What does the phrase "it's the thought that counts?"

It's about the thought behind the gift, not the actual gift or the cost 


You are supposed to bring cookies 

to the work holiday party, but you 

drop them in the mud. What should you do? Is this an emergency?


This is anything that you have to pay for

What is a bill or expense 


You are invited to a friends house for dinner. You do not like the food. What will you do?

Eat a little bit even if you are not a fan. 


You left cookies in the oven and 

forgot to set the timer. You are in 

the living room watching TV and 

smell something burning. Is this an emergency? What will you do?


This is a slip/piece of paper that you need to fill out to make a deposit   

What is a deposit slip 


If someone give you a gift that you do not like, you should.. 

Tell them thank you anyways 


You wrote a letter to your pen pal 

and put it in the mailbox without 

a stamp. Is this an emergency? What will you do?


This word means taking money out or your bank account or paying for something 

What is a withdrawal 

What should you do if someone gives you a gift you do not like?

You are shopping for a gift when 

someone bumps into you and you 

drop and break a picture frame. Is this an emergency? What will you do?


This is something you get/receive for working. 

e.g. "I just got my first ____ from work!"

What is a paycheck 


You are doing a secret Santa gift exchange. One person does not have enough money to get a gift. What should you do?


You are shopping at the mall. You 

come out to the car to see a window 

smashed in and gifts missing from 

your back seat. Is this an emergency? What will you do?