I helped my teammates organize their calendars. 

What is Acts in Service?


I heard one of my co-workers talking bad about another co-worker, so I spoke up and said "maybe she is just having a hard time at home". 

What is Advocated for Colleagues?


When I hear gossip in the office, I choose not to participate in it.

What is Does the Right Thing?


We are learning a new accounting software and I'm really excited to see how it works.

What is Approaches Change with Optimism, Curiosity and Flexibility.


I recently learned where to find a certain document. I wondered if others would be struggling with this was well, so I asked the team if they knew where to find this document. For those that didn't know, I showed them. 

What is Shares Knowledge?


In a meeting with my lead, she asks me to do a task, I then repeat what she said to show understanding.

What is Actively Listens?


I heard Phil manages his schedule very well and I thought maybe it could help me, so I asked him if I could meet with him one-on-one. 

What is Learns from Others?


I try not to swear in the office, I do not what to offend any of my co-workers. 

What is Respects Others.


I have been so distracted in the office lately, so to help me focus, I have purchased some headphone. This has made my work feel so much more easy. 

What is Strives to Simplify?


As a manager I don't usually like to share my personal life with people at work, however I felt like in sharing my struggles, maybe it could help someone else with theirs. 

What is Shows Courage?


I'm having a difficult time underusing how to do a new task, so I scheduled a meeting with my lead. 

What is Communicates Effectively?


We had a new employee start on Monday, so I invited them to check out our cafeteria and have lunch with me so we could get to know each other better.

What is Creates an Inclusive Environment?


I promised my boss I would participate in a meeting discussion about a new process. When the day came, I didn't feel like providing feedback, but I did anyways. 

What is Delivers on Commitments.


When someone says "We have always done it this way" I feel the need to say, but times have changed and we should be able to change with it. I then give another solution. 

What is Challenges the Status Quo?


Julie shared a story of a family that was struggling to provide Christmas for their children. As I was listening to the story, I started think of ideas on how I could help families like this next Christmas.  

What is Supports, Empowers, and Inspires.


I found a more efficient way to complete a task, so in an effort to create trust, I scheduled a meeting with all departments involved to get their feedback and options. 

What is Creates Collaboration and builds relationships. 


I have done a task the same way for many years, when Sarah states she might see a different way to do it. I welcomed her feedback and made adjustments to what I was doing, since her idea was a more efficient way to do the task. 

What is Incorporates Diverse Perspectives?


In our weekly meeting I suggest a different way to do a task. I can see in Suzie's body language, she is really upset with my suggestions, but she doesn't say anything. Later that day I reach out to her to see if I can figure out and resolve what was upsetting her. 

What is Addresses Conflict?


For many years I have used a paper planner to organize my to do list. A co-worker recently shared how they use their outlook calendar to organize their day and I am going to start that right away.  

What is Adopts and Applies Technology?


Mary and I were in a meeting where the manger was talking about a project and we both realized nobody came up with any solutions for some of the problems we were experiencing. We started to brainstorm some ideas and scheduled a meeting with our manager to discuss them. 

What is Takes Action?


I helped plan our office Halloween party as a fun activity for everyone to participate in. 

What is Contributes Positively to Our Communities?


In our weekly meeting, our manager has purposed an idea for a new process. I raise my hand and shared my ideas on how to make it work. 

What is Solicits, Integrates, and Provides Feedback?


I made a mistake on a deposit and my boss was asking who did it so they can provide feedback. I am super embarrassed that it was me, but I admit I was the one that made the mistake. 

What is Accepts Responsibility?


I know I am meeting my manager's expectations now, but I really want to know how I can exceed them. I have asked my manager for feedback. 

What is Seeks Continuous Improvement?


In my one-on-one meeting with my lead. I informed her of my plans to completing my goals. I gave her timelines and updates in were I was in completing them.

What is Sets and Shares Clear Priorities.