Which book contains the 10 Commandments?
Bonus Question +100 Points: What other book contains the 10 Commandments?
Bonus: Deuteronomy
This event marks the beginning of Jesus' public ministry.
Bonus Question +100 Points: At what age did he start his ministry?
His Baptism
Bonus Question: Age 30
This Pharisee-turned-apostle wrote much of the New Testament.
What was the promised land to the Israelites?
Bonus Question +100 Points: For how many years did they wandered in the wilderness?
Bonus: 40 Years
Who defeated Goliath?
This New Testament book tells the story of the early church.
Bonus Question +200 Points: Who wrote this Book?
The Book of Acts
Bonus: Luke
What Day did Jesus resurrect according to the bible?
1st Day of the week (Sunday)
Who received the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven?
What was the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?
Bonus Question +200 Points: Name the two trees that God placed in that place.
Garden of Eden
Bonus: Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Israelites crossed this body of water on dry ground while fleeing from Pharaoh's army.
Red Sea
What is the last book of the bible?
The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles on this day.
The Day of Pentacost
This prophet was swallowed by a great fish when he tried to run from God’s command.
This city was destroyed by fire and brimstone due to its wickedness.
Sodom and Gomorrah
God provided this type of bread from heaven to feed the Israelites in the wilderness.
This book contains only 66 chapters
This man betrayed Jesus to the authorities for 30 pieces of silver.
This twin sold his birthright for a bowl of stew.
This island is where John wrote the Book of Revelation.
Who did God send with Moses to meet the pharaoh?
Which book talks about the life of King David?
1 Samuel and 2 Samuel
This Roman governor sentenced Jesus to be crucified.
Pontius Pilate
Name Daniel's 3 friends who were thrown into the fiery furnace
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Jesus was crucified outside this city.
The Israelites marched around this city's walls for seven days, and they fell on the seventh day.