Coronado Elementary
SAE Teachers
All In The Family
Primary Trivia
Intermediate Trivia

This is the state where you will find Coronado Elementary.

What is Colorado?


This is Ms. Jennie's favorite color.

What is purple?


This is the family who's youngest brother is named Bennett.

Who are the Landis'? (Ella and Noah)


This is the kindergarten student who is always the first to be ready and is an example to all SAE students.

Who is Eme?


This 5th grade boy will show you a magic or card trick if you ask him.

Who is Charlie?


This is the mascot for Coronado Elementary.

What is the Explorers?


This is the SAE teacher who has worked at Coronado the longest.

Who is Ms. Jayme?


This SAE family has twins, one boy and one girl, who also have an older brother.

Who are the Johnsons? (Markus, Julia, and Lukas).


This Kindergartner has the same name as a flower.

Who is Iris?


This athletic 5th grade girl plays basketball and is also on a softball team called the Bombers.

Who is Nora?


This teacher has a machine in her room that has caused many eye rolls at SAE.

Who is Mrs. Weisiger?


Both Ms. Sara's dog's and Ms. Jayme's new puppy's names start with this letter.  (Extra 50 points each if you can say the names)

What is the letter S?  (Stella and Shiloh)


This is the family that Ms. Jennie knew before she came to Coronado.

Who are the Cottrells? (Elizabeth and Andrew)


This is the 1st grade boy who played a very long game of chess with Ms. Sara, where he chased her around the board for half an hour but wouldn't put her out of her misery.

Who is Elliott?


These two students love making comics and even started their own comic book business.

Who are Dalton and Luke?


This person will be the principal of Coronado Elementary next year.

Who is Dr. Paige?


This is the youngest SAE teacher at Coronado.

Who is Ms. Sara?


This family has two sisters that came to SAE until March and then stopped.  They also have a younger brother who isn't in school yet.

Who are the Jones? (Gabi and Madeleine)


This SAE student was asked to try out for the premier soccer team.

Who is Ian?


This SAE student's baseball team won a May tournament last weekend.

Who is Ty?


This was Coronado's big spring fundraiser.

What was the silent auction?


This is the number of pets all of the Coronado SAE teachers have altogether.

What is 13?


This is the family that usually only comes on Tuesday mornings and they tease Ms. Sara with the Einstein bagels they usually bring for breakfast.

Who are the Martins? (Lauren and Drew)


This is the SAE student who usually only comes in the morning and has a big sister with green hair who wants to work for SAE when she is old enough.

Who is Mikah?


Name 4 SAE kids that play a music instrument.

Lauren, Andrew C., Austin, Declan, Theo, Ryot, Jimmy, Charlie