Nursing Diagnosis

__________ is a drug that is also known as beta-adrenergic blocking agents. They are drugs that block norepinephrine and epinephrine (adrenaline) from binding to beta receptors on nerves. 



Examination of a patient in a supine position reveals distended jugular veins from the base of the neck to the angle of the jaw. This finding indicates:

What is increased central venous pressure. 


Patient c/o's of chest pain 10/10, what is the first drug you give them and why?

What is Oxygen, nitroglycerin, aspirin, and morphine?

The American Heart Association's guidelines for emergency care of the patient with chest pain include the administration of oxygen, nitroglycerin, aspirin, and morphine. These interventions serve to relieve chest pain, improve oxygenation, decrease myocardial workload, and prevent further platelet aggregation. The other medications may be used later in the patient's treatment.


Measures changes in coagulation processes or effectiveness of anticoagulant therapy. 

What is Prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) coagulation studies?


You are caring for a patient c/o of chest pain, what is your main nursing diagnosis at this time?

What is Acute Pain?


Amlodipine (Norvasc) Diltiazem (Cardizem, Tiazac, others) Felodipine. Isradipine. Nicardipine. Nifedipine (Adalat CC, Procardia) Nisoldipine (Sular) Verapamil (Calan, Verelan) 

Action: calcium channel antagonists or calcium antagonists are a group of medications that disrupt the movement of calcium through calcium channels.

Calcium Channel Blocker


A patient who underwent a percutaneous, transluminal coronary angioplasty four weeks ago has a subsequent ejection fraction of 30%. The patient returns for a follow-up visit. Examination reveals lungs that are clear to auscultation and slight pedal edema. The patient's medications are digoxin (Lanoxin), furosemide (Lasix), enalapril maleate (Vasotec), and aspirin. The patient reports a 5-lb (2.27-kg) weight gain over the past two days. The cardiac-vascular nurse's initial action is to:

What is inquire about the patient's medication compliance. 


This term refers to refers to the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on your artery walls (plaque), which can restrict blood flow. The plaque can burst, triggering a blood clot. 

What is atherosclerosis?


In this test, which is performed in the hospital, doctors use X-rays taken in real time to create images of the coronary arteries. They can help identify any blockages.

What is coronary catheterization?


Your patient states I can resume all my previous activities after my CABG without restrictions as soon as I get home, your nursing diagnosis would be....

What is Deficient Knowledge?

A patient is receiving treatment for stable coronary artery disease. The doctor prescribes the patient Plavix. What important information will you include in the patient's teaching? 

  • A. If you are scheduled for any planned surgical procedures, let your doctor know you are taking Plavix because this medication will need to be discontinued 5-7 days prior to the procedure. 
  • B. A normal side effect of this medication is a dry cough.
  • C. Avoid green leafy vegetables while taking Plavix.
  • D. Notify the doctor, immediately, if you develop bruising, problems urinating, or fever. 

A and D

A and D. Patients on Plavix should let their doctor know that they are taking Plavix because it should be discontinued 5 to 7 days before a surgical procedure due to increased risk of bleeding. Also, option D represents signs and symptoms of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura a clotting disorder where clots form in the vessels of the body which is a complication of Plavix.


A patient reports during a routine check-up that he is experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath while performing activities. He states the pain goes away when he rests. This is known as:

What is stable angina?

Stable angina occurs during activities but goes away when the patient rests. Variant and Prinzmetal angina are the same and occur at rest during cycles. Unstable angina is chest pain felt during rest and is more severe.


These two measurements provide information regarding the heart’s ability to perfuse distal tissues with oxygenated blood. 

What is oxygen saturation and ABG's?


This test helps your doctor determine whether your heart receives enough blood and oxygen during activity. 

What is exercise stress test?


Your patient states "I just don't know what to do, I have so many things at home that have to be done now" your nursing diagnosis is....

What is Anxiety?


Lipitor is prescribed for a patient with a high cholesterol level. As the nurse, how do you educate the patient on how this drugs works on the body?

Lipitor increases HDL levels and decreases LDL, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Lipitor is a common "statin" medication used to lower cholesterol in CAD. It works by increasing HDL levels (the "good" cholesterol") and decreases LDL (the "bad" cholesterol"), total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.


A patient reports having crushing chest pain that radiates to the jaw. You administer sublingual nitroglycerin and obtain a 12 lead EKG. Which of the following EKG findings confirms your suspicion of a possible myocardial infraction?

What is  ST segment elevation?

This is a common finding on an EKG when a patient is having a myocardial infraction due to muscle damage.


A patient with negative troponins and stress test results reports recurring chest pain that is similar to the patient's pain on admission. According to the American Nurses Association's cardiovascular nursing scope and standards of practice, the cardiac-vascular nurse's next action is to:

What is obtain a 12-lead electrocardiogram. 


This is a blood test that evaluates an enzyme released when muscle damage occurs. 

What is creatine kinase?


Post cardiac cathe, your patient's capillary refill is delayed, skin temp is cool and color is dusky. You identify __________ as a nursing diagnosis.

What is ineffective tissue perfusion?


A patient taking Zocor is reporting muscle pain. You are evaluating the patient’s lab work and note that which of the following findings could cause muscle pain? 

Elevated or decreased K+ or CPK (creatine kinase level)

What is Elevated CPK (creatine kinase level)

Zocor (a statin medication used for lowering cholestorl) can cause increased CPK levels which will lead to a patient experiencing muscle pain. Therefore, CPK levels must be monitored while a patient is taking this medication.


Patient reports pain lasting longer, more severe, and is not relieved by rest or nitro; this is the first time they have ever had chest pain and it just began as they started exercising, which was sudden and became more intense quickly.

What is unstable angina?


This procedure allows blood to flow around the blocked or narrowed coronary artery. 

What is CABG?


This is a blood test for a group of proteins found in skeletal and heart (cardiac) muscle fibers that regulate muscular contraction. 

What is troponin?


This primary nursing diagnosis refers to the narrowing of the coronary artery(ies) associated with atherosclerosis, spasm, and/or thrombosis.

What is altered tissue perfusion?