Era of Good Feelings
Jackson Act I
Act II Jackson
Manifest Destiny
Mexican-American War

This man was President during this time period before 1825.  (Prior to the Election of 1824) 

Hint: (we have a foreign policy "Doctrine" named after him)

Who was James Monroe?


This man who is known for Compromises, uses his position as Speaker of the House, to influence his colleagues during the Election of 1824.

Who was Henry Clay?


AJ argued that the Bank of the US only helped these people.

Who were the wealthy or upper class.


The Mexican Government invited American settlers into the Texas territory if the did these three things....

What is... Convert to Catholicism, learn Spanish, and no slaves allowed? 


The disputed territory lies between these two rivers.

What are the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers?


Prior to the Election of 1824, only ________ _________ who _________ __________ could vote.

Who were white men who owned land?


When John Quincy Adams wins the Election of 1824, he appoints Henry Clay as ______ of ____.  (shady???)

What was Secretary of State?


Jackson's plan to replace the Bank of the US.  (Hint- he wanted these little.....cuddly...cute)

What were Pet Banks?


Polk's campaign slogan in 1844.

What is "54-40, or Fight!" ???


Mexican President/ General who leads his Army against the United States.

Who was Antonio López de Santa Anna?


Known as "The Corrupt Bargain".

What was the Election of 1824?


The system Jackson utilizes as President where he appoints all his friends and supporters to positions of power in his government.

(Hint- "to the winner, goes.....)

What is the Spoils System?


Leader of Education Reform.

Who was Horace Mann?


The mission where Texans and Tejanos fought the Mexican Army until the last man.  (hint- a rallying cry is born)

What is the Alamo?


This Treaty ended the Mexican-American War.

What was the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?


He was Speaker of the House at the time of the Election of 1824?

(back door deal?)

Who was Henry Clay?


John C. Calhoun, called this tariff by the Federal Government the Tariff of _________, stating that it was illegal and should be repealed.

What is "Abomination?"


________ _________'s nickname was "Old Hickory" due to this reason.

What is "unbending like a tree" or "tough as wood?"


Name four things the we "brought to the West."

What is Religion, Economic institutions, Democracy, Technology, progress, etc.....?


The American President during the Mexican-American War.

Who was James K. Polk?


Named President after the Election of 1824.

Who was John Quincy Adams?


The idea that South Carolina could ignore or dismiss Federal Laws.

What is Nullification or to Nullify?


Andrew Jackson was practicing reading a horror story in braille.

What is "Something bad is going to happen, I can just feel it." 


True or False- Texas was annexed by the US after it gained independence in 1836.

What is False?  

It was an independent Republic for nine years. 


Name four present day states the US acquires following our victory in the Mexican-American War.

What are California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, etc...