Pocket Data

An email from this stage is the first email to be received by a subscriber. It can only be generated by an API call or one of our pop-up integrations (Including Digioh)

What is the Welcome Stage?


This audience is the total number of people an email marketer can contact

What is the subscriber list (subscribed email users)?


This is the most common way that Pocket Data clients transfer data into their databases

What is SFTP Transfer?


These are the three different analytics pages in our AI stats pages.

What are Total, Blasts and Stages?

This stage will predict how often and what products will likely grace your customer's shopping carts again.

What is Buy Again?


Unique to ReSci this segment will predict the customers that will add the most to your bottom line.

What is High Customer Future Value?


This report gives you information about your products and their popularity, as well as co-purchase likelihood.

What is Market Basket Report?


This table is a stand-in for an email heat map, and gives you a snapshot of your most clicked content.

What is the click tracking table?


By default this stage has a recommendation scheme that focuses on upselling, the result, and increase in average order value.

What is Cart Abandon?


Also what happens to grass in extreme weather and drought, this audience is made up of subscribers that haven't interacted with your brand in a year.

What is dormant subscribers?


In order to get product recommendations on your site your developer will need to connect to this.

What is our recommendations API?


By filtering this section of our AI stats you can get a quick understanding of how our AI is optimizing your automated stages.

What is content performance?


The main strategy for connecting with the group in this stage is to send blast after blast. The ReSci approach focuses on matching their behavior and creating personas through valuable content.

What is Needs Nurturing?


This audience never buys full price.

What is Discount Only Purchasers?


In this report you'll find a graph that shows your average customer lifecycle and at what purchase your customers typically churn.

What is the Churn/CLV Report?


These four KPIs are calculated over the last 14 days and are featured at the top of the AI stats page.

What are Users. Reached, Unique Email Opens, Unique Email Clicks, Total Conversions