Life Skills
Your Professional Image
Infection Control

A Greek word that means skilled in the use of cosmetics.  

What is Kosmeticos


Goals that are measured in larger sections of time such as five years or longer.

What are long-term goals?


The impression you project through both your outward appearance and your conduct in the workplace.

What is the professional image?


 These are the bacteria that are round and grow in clusters like bunches of grapes. They may cause boils, abscesses, and Pustules.

What are staphylococci bacteria?


 Egyptians are known for various practices which are used today in the Cosmetology industry. They would create perfumes used in religious rituals and ceremonies.

What is Infuse Essential Oils


 An effective way to stimulate clear thinking and planning in your daily plan?

What is exercise and recreation. 


The science of designing the workplace as well as its equipment and tools to make specific body movements more comfortable, efficient, and safe

What is ergonomics?


This is the immunity that is partly inherited and partly through healthy living. Acquired immunity is immunity the body develops after

What is Natural Immunity?


How did noblewomen show their social status in the Roman culture? 

What is red haircolor.


Goals that are measured in smaller sections of time such as a year or less. 

What are short-term goals?


To be a success you have to be aware of your posture, as well as the way you walk and move. This conveys confidence and prevents fatigue and many other physical problems.  

What is your physical presentation?


 This personal immunity develops after overcoming a disease, through inoculation, or exposure to natural allergens such as pollen, cat dander, and ragweed.

What is Acquired immunity?


These women bit their lips and pinched their cheeks to induce natural color instead of using cosmetics such as rouge and lipstick. 

Who are the Victorian women


Make a point to relate to everyone you know with conscious due regard for the feelings and wishes of others. Exercise good manners.  

What is respect of others?


This pack will have items used to make sure you smell fresh and clean throughout the school day. Items such as toothpaste, floss, deodorant, mouthwash, and cleansing wipes can be included in the hygiene pack

What is a hygiene pack?


These types of bacteria are beneficial to our digestive system and our immune system.

What are nonpathogenic bacteria?


This historical item was originally the symbol of the barber–surgeon, and is believed to represent the bandages (white), blood (red), and veins (blue) involved in bloodletting

What is the barber pole?


This self-talk blocks your creative mind from exploring ideas and discovering solutions to challenges. 

What is being self-critical?


This is your hygiene which is the daily maintenance of cleanliness by practicing good healthful habits. Being well groomed begins with looking and smelling fresh. 

What are beauty and wellness?


This submicroscopic organism can live and reproduce only by taking over other cells and becoming a part of them,

What is a virus?