Anatomy & Physiology
Skin Inflammation & Infection
Nails Part 2
The Systems

The study of the structures of the human body, whereas physiology is the study of the activities of those structures.

What is the difference between anatomy and physiology?


The name is given to the chronic skin disease characterized by moderate to severe inflammation, scaling, and sometimes severe itching.

What is eczema?


The _____ is the hard, protective plate that protects the tips of the fingers or toes.

a. nail cuticle               b. natural nail

c. eponychium             d. natural cuticle

What is b. natural nail?


The living skin supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge.

a. cuticle                 b. sidewalls

c. nail bed               d. matrix

What is c. nail bed?


The basic units of all living things are _____.

hormones                        cells

            plasma                            bacteria

What are cells?


Common cosmetology procedures can rely on an understanding of human anatomy.

What is the knowledge of anatomy and physiology?


A contagious bacterial skin infection usually caused by Staphylococcus bacteria and characterized by weeping lesions.

What is impetigo?


A part of the natural nail protects the tips of the fingers and toes.

a. nail bed               b. nail cuticle

c. matrix                 d. nail plate

What is d. nail plate?


The growth of the nail plate is affected by all of the following EXCEPT _____.

a. nutrition                b. genes

c. exercise                 d. general health

What is b. genes?


A collection of similar cells that perform a function is called a(n) ________.

organism                    organ

            tissue                           structure

What is tissue?


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Decline to service clients, and suggest they seek medical advice without speculating as to what is causing the eye condition.

What a cosmetologist should do when a client has an eye infection that covers the whites of the eye and the eye is covered with a crusty substance.


Monique is training to be a cosmetologist. While she is working on a client, her manager stops her because she's about to clip too close to the eponychium. What might Angela have confused the eponychium for?

a. the matrix                b. the nail plate

c. the nail cuticle           d. the natural nail

What is the c. nail cuticle?


The part of the year that nail plates grow faster.

winter                                     fall

        spring          summer     

What is summer?


The word integument means ______.

blood vessels                     hormone

                       natural covering                   gland

What is natural covering?


The part of a cell that controls the growth and reproduction of the cell is _____.

mitosis                   cytoplasm

            cell membrane             nucleus

What is the nucleus?


There is a new lesion on the nostril in the same place where there previously was a lesion that lasted for 3 weeks. A likely explanation for the lesion

What is a viral infection of herpes simplex 1, which often presents as a recurring vesicle on the lips, nostrils, or other parts of the face?


The natural nail itself is technically referred to as the ______.

a. nail cuticle              b. nail cuticle

c. onyx                       d. matrix

What is c. onyx?


A normal nail plate grows forward from the ___ and extends over the tip of the finger.

cuticle                 sidewalls

            matrix                    nail bed

What is the matrix?


The body's systems function to remove waste material from the body cells to the blood.

Digestive System                  Excretory System

        Lymphatic System                 Circulatory System

What is the lymphatic system?


The type of tissue that binds and supports other body tissue.

nerve tissue                muscle tissue

    connective tissue              epithelial tissue

What is the connective tissue?


A superficial, thickened patch of epidermis

What is the description of a keratoma?


The characteristics of a normal, healthy nail is

a. soft with ridges              b. soft and flexible

c. firm and rigid                 d. firm and flexible

What is d. firm and flexible


This helps guide the nail plate along the nail bed as it grows.

the free edge                         the cuticle

     the bed epithelium                 the sidewalls

What is the bed epithelium?


A cosmetologist is discussing possible treatments for dry scalp with a client. In order to make informed decisions about scalp treatments, the cosmetologist should know the ___________system.

skeletal system                         lymphatic system

    muscular system               integumentary system

What is the integumentary system?