
What was the name of the first Council of State Presidents committee? 

 State Presidents Steering Committee


How many state presidents’ meetings are held during the year?  

2, NSNA Council of State Presidents Meetings


How is the COSP chair voted into office?

The COSP chair will be elected out of the 4 newly elected committee members (as long as they meet eligibility requirements) during annual convention. 

All voting is done by secret ballot, each state will only have one vote (president or appointed alternated)


What year did the Council of state Presidents begin officially? 

1991 after the trial year. 


 Does the Chair of the Council of State Presidents have a vote on the NSNA board of directors? 

 No, they serve as an ex-officio director on the NSA board because they were not elected by the house of delegates.


What is the Purpose of the Council of state presidents

The purpose of the NSNA Council of State Presidents shall be to discuss the priorities of the association, activities for the year, accomplishments, problems, and to share ideas. It shall also allow for the interchange and consultation between state presidents, the NSNA Board of Directors, and staff 


After voting for the COSP chair is completed by secret ballot, how is the winner determined?

The nominating and elections committee will count the votes, and the person with the highest number of votes is the newly elected chair.


 How long must a member be a state president while being on the COSP committee?  

All members of the COSP planning committee have to hold office of state president for at least 3/4s of their term. 

Committee members: 4 1/2 months

COSP Chair: 9 months


Does the NSNA house of delegates have any over site of the council of state presidents planning committee?

No, the COSP Planning Committee is, in effect, a self-appointed committee with no control or oversight by the NSNA House of Delegate, Board of Directors, orNSNA Nominating and Elections Committee


What is the composition of the members allowed to be at the COSP meeting?

1.The members of the NSNA Council of State Presidents shall be the NSNA state student nurses' associations' presidents, or the designated alternates, and the members of the NSNA Board of Directors. 


2.The following shall be invited to participate in the NSNA Council of State Presidents: presidents-elect of the state student nurses' association, members of the association staff and consultants. 


3.Members of the NSNA, including state officers not specifically listed in 1 and 2above, shall be admitted as observers to the NSNA Council of State Presidents. 


If the COSP Chair, NSNA ex-officio director allowed to serve on NSNA board of director committees?

Yes! The COSP chair typically serves as a member of 1-2 committees within the board of directors. 

This year the COSP chair serves as a member on the Image of Nursing and Convention Planning committees. 


Must you be enrolled in nursing school to be on the COSP committee?  

Yes! You must be enrolled in a nursing program for 3/4s of your term.

Committee member: 4 1/2 months

COSP Chair: 9 months


What are the roles of the NSNA President and board of directors in COSP?

The NSNA President serves as an ex-officio COSP planning committee member

The NSNA board of directors serve as voting members in COSP.


 How many state presidents serve on the planning committee for COSP

4, with one person representing each region. North, South, East, West.


When is the COSP chair elected?

 Annual Convention  


If a COSP planning committee member is no longer able to serve their duties to their state organization what happens?

They are no longer eligible to remain on the COSP planning committee. 


How many NSNA board of director meetings does the COSP Chair have to attend.

Three. They are all funded by NSNA.

-New York BOD Meeting

- Midyear Convention

-Annual Convention


What is the NSNA support for COSP? 

- provision of meeting rooms for COSP meeting 

- administrative support for the COSP Planning Committee

- dissemination of the agenda 

-  provision of packets and materials for the meeting


Who is the current COSP chair and what state are they from?

Genevieve (Genna) Salas, New Mexico


Can a president-elect run for a COSP committee seat?  

Yes! As long as they hold the office of state president by the next COSP meeting (that they will be planning).