What were the responsibilities of women involved in the plays before 1650?
Trick question! Women were not permitted to act on stage yet.
This caused a fire in 1613, leading to the destruction of the Globe Theatre.
What is a canon
Rather than using extravagant sets, these tools were used to help visualize the setting of a play
What is the dialogue the actors used
These two eras were within the 17th century
What are Elizabethan and Jacobean
These colours represented nobility or royalty before 1650? Name three.
What are gold, silver, crimson, scarlet, deep indigo blue, violet, black, pure white
These are 5 small props that were used in the early plays at the Globe Theatre
What are (any 5 of the following)… swords/daggers, plates, chairs/stools, candles/torches, blood soaked handkerchiefs, writings materials, bottles of wine/ale, whips, books, blankets, helmets, armor, fake jewels, crowns, bones, animal furs, flags/banners, caskets/containers, and flowers.
what parts of the stage were used in developing the sets?
The balcony, it was used for high up scenes. Such as with the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet
Which two kinds were in Power/Reign from 1600-1650 (roughly)
King James 1603-1925 King Charles 1625-1649
These colours represented the middle-lower class patrons before 1650? Name four.
What are yellow, russet, orange, green, pale pink, pale blue, beige
The was the purpose of trap doors on the stage
What is entering and exiting props onto and off of the stage
Why were the use of props so significant?
Because of the lack of set at their disposal. The props would not only serve one purpose, but would also hold significance in identifying a setting.
Inigo Jones was associated with this
What is the set
How did the sumptuary laws affect the costumes worn on stage before the 1650s?
The Elizabethans were not allowed to wear whatever they liked! It did not matter how rich they were - the fabric, and even the style of their clothes were dictated by their rank or status. These strict rules were enforced by English Laws about clothing which were called Sumptuary Laws.
What is “The Globe Theatre Heavens” and what is its purpose?
The term for the ceiling over the stage. It had trap doors that were used to lower props onto the stage or have actors enter with a harness to create the illusion of flying.
These were the monarchs that employed Inigo Jones
What are King James the 1st and his wife Queen Anne
This was the most well known and famous theatre
What is The Globe Theatre