Target Vocabulary
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A vocabulary word means ready to be used or taken
What is available.
What is the main topic of this story ? A. facts about cougars B.where most cougars live C. the cougar's hunting skills D. how cougars raise their young
What is A. Facts about cougars.
Which word correctly completes the sentence below? What is your favorite ______ of ice cream? a. flavar b. flaver c. flavir d. flavor
What is d. flavor
A vocabulary word that means to change something.
What is vary
The fact that cougars have three kinds of teeth suggests that these animals a. eat plants and flesh. b. are biologically complex. c. have a strong sense of taste. d. do not have very strong jaws.
What is b. are biologically complex.
A vocabulary word that means specific or special.
What is particular.
Unlike animals that have a lot of body fat, a cougar's main source of insulation is its A. fur coat. B. whiskers. C. sweat glands. D. body temperature.
What is A. fur coat.
Which word correctly completes the sentence below? Rosie looked at the ______ to see what the date was. a. calendar b. calender c. calendir d. calendur
What is a. calendar
A vocabulary word that means to be or to look similar to something or someone.
What is resemble.
Which animal is a natural predator of the cougar? a. crocodile b. hawk c. lion d. wolf
What is d. wolf
A vocabulary word that means sharp and alert.
What is keen
Describing cougars’ coats and coloring supports the main idea that a. all cougars look the same. b. adult cougars look like female lions. c. cougars have coats of different colors. d. their fur helps keep cougars safe from predators.
What is c. cougars have coats of different colors.
Which word correctly completes the sentence below? I have written five ______ of my book. a. chaptars b. chapters c. chaptors d. chapturs
What is b. chapters
A vocabulary word that means hidden or unnoticed.
What is unobserved.
What does the word offspring mean in the sentence below? The mother makes no special effort to catch small prey for her small offspring. a. adults b. animals c. babies d. reptiles
What is c. babies

To investigate or look for clues

What is detecting.

Which detail supports the main idea that cougars have good eyesight? a. They have a sharp sense of hearing. b. They blend in with their surroundings. c. They have a tawny, or orange-brown, coat. d. They can see moving prey from long distances.
What is d. They can see moving prey from long distances.
Which word correctly completes the sentence below? My uncle, Jack, is my ______ at school. a. mentawr b. menter c. mentor d. mentore
What is c. mentor
A vocabulary word that means very aggressive and scary.
What is ferocious
What are two details that support the idea that cougars live in different habitats? Use information from the text to support your answer.
What is Cougars live in many places, including the western United States, Mexico, Canada, Central America, and South America. They can live in snow-capped mountains, jungles, and even swamps

A vocabulary word that means to grow and develop over time.

What is mature.

Which sentence from the article states a main idea? a. “Like all of their cat relatives, cougars have whiskers.” b. “These sensitive hairs are also called vibrissae (vy BRIHS ee).” c. “The cougar uses whiskers to gather information through touch.” d. “They grow on either side of the animal's nose and mouth, above the eyes, and sometimes on the chin.”
What is a. “Like all of their cat relatives, cougars have whiskers.”
Which word correctly completes the sentence below? The newspaper costs one ______. a. quarter b. quartur c. quater d. quoter
What is a. quarter
A vocabulary word that means happiness.
What is contentment.
What are two details that support the idea that cougars use sounds to show their feelings? Use information from the text to support your answer.
What is Cougars meow and purr to show contentment. They hiss and growl when they are threatened.