What Am I?

What does the word "astronaut" mean?

An astronaut is a person trained to travel and work in space.


In the sentence, "Becoming an astronaut has always been a dream of many young boys and girls," identify the verb in the sentence.

The verb is "has been."


What is the name of the TV channel launching the reality series about becoming an astronaut, and when does the show start?

The TV channel is NTV, and the show starts on March 3rd.


Fill in the gap: "The NTV television channel is launching a reality series which may help to answer the question of how to become an __________."



I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?

An echo.


What does "self-disciplined" mean, and how does it apply to the role of an astronaut?

"Self-disciplined" means being able to control one’s behavior and stay focused on tasks. For astronauts, this is important because they must follow strict routines, make quick decisions, and stay motivated during challenging situations.


The text says, "The TV channel has asked a former astronaut, who also used to be in charge of the International Space Station, to oversee this process." What is the function of the clause "who also used to be in charge of the International Space Station" in this sentence?

The clause is a relative clause that provides additional information about the former astronaut. It describes his previous role.


According to the text, what are two qualities that the former astronaut says are essential for anyone applying to become an astronaut?

The two essential qualities are self-discipline and the ability to make quick decisions.


Fill in the gap: "According to the former astronaut, unless you are self-disciplined and good at making quick __________, you shouldn't even hand in your application."



The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?



What is a synonym for "gruelling," and how does this word help convey the difficulty of becoming an astronaut?

A synonym for "gruelling" is "exhausting" or "demanding." The word emphasizes how physically and mentally challenging the selection process is, requiring applicants to push their limits to succeed.


In the sentence, "During the preparation stage, future astronauts are quizzed on subjects like physics and their spatial awareness is tested too," why is the passive voice used ("are quizzed" and "is tested")? Rewrite the sentence in active voice.

The passive voice is used to emphasize the action (quizzing and testing) rather than the person performing it. 

"During the preparation stage, trainers quiz future astronauts on subjects like physics and test their spatial awareness too."


Why does the text mention that astronauts need to be able to "stay calm under pressure"? How might this trait help them during a space mission?

Staying calm under pressure is important because astronauts often face high-stress situations, such as technical malfunctions or emergencies, where quick and clear thinking is required. This trait helps them work effectively as a team and make critical decisions without panicking.


Fill in the gaps: "Astronauts need to be able to rely on each other, and someone who gets easily __________ is not the kind of person you need around you. This __________ process is absolutely necessary for the challenges of space."

stressed, gruelling.


I am not alive, but I can grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?



What does "zero gravity" mean, and how does it affect the tasks astronauts perform on the International Space Station?

"Zero gravity" refers to the condition in space where there is no gravitational force pulling objects downward. This affects astronauts by making objects float, requiring them to adapt their movements and handle equipment carefully to avoid accidents.


The text states, "No one will argue with the fact that the real process is very physically demanding, so good physical health is a must, but that alone wouldn't be enough without determination." Identify the main clause and the subordinate clauses in this sentence.

  • Main clause: "No one will argue with the fact that the real process is very physically demanding..."

  • Subordinate clauses:

    1. "so good physical health is a must" (adverbial clause showing result).

    2. "but that alone wouldn't be enough without determination" (adverbial clause showing contrast).


The text states that astronauts come from varied backgrounds, such as medicine, computing, and engineering. Why do you think these fields are particularly useful for astronauts, and how might they contribute to the tasks performed on the International Space Station?

Fields like medicine, computing, and engineering are useful because they provide the technical and problem-solving skills needed for space missions. For example:

  • Medicine: Helps astronauts manage health issues in space.

  • Computing: Supports the operation of complex systems and software.

  • Engineering: Enables the maintenance and repair of equipment.


Fill in the gaps: "In addition to the difficulty of the tasks, astronauts have to deal with __________ gravity, which is the lack of force that pulls objects to the ground. They must also be careful not to crash into __________ objects and predict their direction of movement."

zero, flying.


I am always in front of you but can never be seen. What am I?

The future.


What does "spatial awareness" mean, and why is it particularly important in the context of space exploration? Use examples from the text to explain your answer.

"Spatial awareness" refers to the ability to understand and interact with the environment in terms of space, distance, and movement. In space, this skill is crucial because astronauts must navigate in zero gravity, predict the movement of floating objects, and perform tasks like docking spacecraft or conducting experiments. For example, the text mentions that astronauts need to avoid crashing into objects and predict their direction of movement, which requires strong spatial awareness.


The text says, "Astronauts in space need to be careful not to crash into flying objects. They should also be able to predict in which direction the objects are likely to move." Combine these two sentences into one complex sentence using a subordinate clause.

Astronauts in space need to be careful not to crash into flying objects, and they should also be able to predict in which direction the objects are likely to move."
(Alternatively, using a subordinate clause: "Astronauts in space need to be careful not to crash into flying objects, as they should also be able to predict in which direction the objects are likely to move.")


The text mentions that astronauts experience "loss of muscle and bone mass" in zero gravity. What long-term challenges might this create for astronauts, and how could space agencies address these challenges in future missions?

The loss of muscle and bone mass could lead to long-term health issues, such as osteoporosis or muscle atrophy, making it difficult for astronauts to readjust to Earth's gravity. Space agencies could address these challenges by:

  • Developing advanced exercise routines to maintain muscle and bone strength.

  • Creating artificial gravity environments on spacecraft.

  • Conducting research on nutritional supplements or medications to counteract these effects.
    These measures would help ensure astronauts remain healthy during and after their missions.


Fill in the gaps: "The text explains that astronauts come from varied backgrounds, such as __________, computing, and __________. These fields provide the necessary skills for tasks like conducting experiments and maintaining the International Space Station. However, the text also emphasizes that __________ and determination are just as important as technical expertise."

medicine, engineering, self-discipline.


I am taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?

Pencil lead (graphite).