This Anatomical direction is away from the head or toward the lower part of the body
what is inferior
In which abdominal quadrant will you find the appendix?
what is the lower right quadrant
The urinary bladder is located in what abdominal region
what is the hypogastric region
this plane divide the body into superior and inferior parts
what is the transversal plane?
Which of the following structures is located in the alveolar processes
What are Teeth
This anatomical direction is toward or at the backside of the body
what is dorsal
The liver is found in which quadrant (s)
what is both the left and right upper quadrants?
The stomach is located in what abdominal region
what is the Epigastric region
This plane divides the body or organ into anterior and posterior parts
what is a vertical plane?
The primary function of the gallbladder is to?
What is to store bile?
This anatomical direction is toward or at the midline of the body.
what is medial
Where is the pancreas located in the quadrants?
what is the left upper quadrant?
the diaphragm is located in what abdominal region
What is the left hypochondriac region
Imaginary flat surface that divides the body into two parts-
what is a plane
The first part of the small intestine is the?
what is the Duodenum
This anatomical direction means away from the midline of the body
what is lateral
Which quadrant are the kidneys located?
what are both the right upper and left upper quadrants?
The liver is located in this region of the body
what is the right hypochondriac region
a vertical plane that divides the body or organ into left and right sections
what is the midsagittal plane?
The organ that lies posterior to the greater curvature of the stomach and is connected by a duct to the duodenum is the?
What is the pancreas
Means toward the back of the head
what is posterior
Why is the abdomen divided into four quadrants
Because the abdominal are contains many different organs it is divided into smaller areas
the ascending color of the large intestines is located in which abdominal region
What is the right lumber region
This plane divides the body into front and back parts
what is a frontal plane?
Which of the following hormones helps in the secretion of HCL from the stomach?
What is Gastrin