Easy Peasy
Scavenger Hunt
To Transfer OR Not To Transfer
Assorted Level 1
Assorted Level 2

The "contract" between a professor and a student. 

What is a syllabus?


a list of all courses taken at a college or university showing the final grade received for each course. 

What is a transcript?


The undergraduate higher education institution where you can earn a Vocational Certificate, an Associate's Degree, or an Associate's Degree for Transfer.

What is a community college? 


The main academic discipline or field of study that a college or university student chooses to focus on during their undergraduate education.

What is a major?


A type of financial support awarded to a student based on academic achievement or other criteria that may include financial need for the purpose of schooling.

What is a scholarship? 


If you fail to submit this assignment, you will NOT pass the class. 

What is a Student Education Plan (SEP)?


Prior knowledge a student must have to be successful in a course. The prior knowledge may be a skill, ability, a test score or successful completion of a prior course earning a grade of "C" or better. 

What is a prerequisite? 


There are 23 campuses throughout California. It is the largest public 4 year higher education system in the United States. Its focus is on professional and practical skills. It costs roughly $7,000 per year to attend. 

What is the California State University (CSU) system?


A person's lifelong journey of learning, work, and professional development in a particular occupation or field.

What is a career?


An application for federal student aid.

What is FAFSA?


The number of units our class (COUN140) is worth.

 What is 1 unit?


This group of courses, also known as "Breadth" requirements, includes varied areas of the arts and sciences and forms of the foundation of an associate's or bachelor's degree. 

What is the general education requirement? 


The minimum number of transferrable units you must complete to transfer from Cypress College to a California State University (CSU) or a University of California (UC).

What are 60 CSU/UC transferable units?


Tools used to help assess your interests, abilities, personality, strengths, values, skills, and work and life experiences. These are valuable measures to help you decide on your occupational and/or educational goals.

What are career assessments?


The practice of individuals looking after their own health using the knowledge and information available to them.

What is Self-Care? 


The two grading options you can receive in this class. 

What is Pass or No Pass?


A complete list of Cypress College programs and courses, among other things, is available for review.

What is a Cypress College catalog?


The general education pattern for students who are interested in applying for transfer to both University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) campuses.

What is the IGETC?


 A system that classifies jobs into interest clusters, work personality environments, or job categories

What is the Holland Codes? 


An acronym that stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, and it's a best practice framework for setting goals.

What is a SMART goal?


The higher education institutions to which our class (COUN 140C) is transferable.

What are the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) systems?


Cypress College partners with area school districts to offer high school students the opportunity to earn college credit for free while attending high school.

What is Dual Enrollment?


Guaranteed admission to one of the following University of California (UC) campuses if you meet eligibility requirements: UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz.

What is the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)?


A questionnaire that identifies a person's sensory modality preference in learning.

What is the VARK learning style?


An individual's belief in their capacity to act in the ways necessary to reach specific goals.

What is Self-Efficacy?