When UA/CIFC closes due to inclement weather or other emergencies, this entity is responsible for notifying their clients
The counselor trainee (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 63)
Psychotic disorders, primary substance use disorders, moderate/severe neurocognitive or neurodevelopmental disorders, recent physical/sexual abuse/trauma, and psychological/emotional crises (e.g., suicidality, homicidality) typically fall outside of this for CIFC
Scope of services (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, pp. 30-31)
True or False: Counselor trainees may recommend legal options and provide custody recommendations for clients who are soliciting them
False (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 30)
It is this entity's responsibility to contact clients following no-show and canceled appointments and document the non-treatment encounter
Counselor trainee (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 38)
This must be completed within 72 hours, this within 24 hours, and this must be collaboratively formulated with clients during their second session, reviewed and approved by counselor trainees' clinical supervisor/practicum instructor between clients' second and third sessions, and signed with the client during their third session
Diagnostic assessment, progress note, and treatment plan
This entity is *mostly* responsible for scheduling and rescheduling client appointments
Clinic Staff (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 33)
One of the functions of this stage in the counseling process is to determine the appropriate level of care
Initial/diagnostic assessment (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 33)
True or False: Counselor trainees always meet with minor clients and their custodial parent/legal guardian jointly during the initial/diagnostic assessment session
False (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 35)
Documents containing clients' protected health information (PHI) must be stored in your student message folder when not in use and disposed of in this manner
In the case of counselor trainee illness or other unavoidable emergency situations necessitating absence from CIFC, counselor trainees must inform these entities ASAP so that clients can be properly notified in advance of their scheduled appointments
Clinical supervisor/practicum instructor, Clinic Director, and Clinic admin. staff
If two or more clinical services are being received simultaneously all clinicians involved should
be in contact with one another to coordinate those services. To permit coordination of care, this form must be completed
Authorization to release information (ROI; CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 34)
If a counselor trainee has sufficient evidence to support that a client would benefit from psychopharmacological intervention, they can refer for this upon consultation with their clinical supervisor/practicum instructor
Psychiatric evaluation (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 57)
True or False: Each counselor trainee is required to be present at CIFC during their clinical block hours whether or not a counseling session occurs at that time
True (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 37)
Any changes to counselor trainees' clinical block hours schedule must be approved by this entity prior to implementation of the change
Clinical supervisor/practicum instructor (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 39)
True or False: Clinical trainees are able to complete clinical documentation on Titanium when off-campus by using the virtual lab connectivity to UA's servers
Counselor trainees direct all questions of a clinical nature (e.g., inquiries related to an appropriate level of care, the scope of practice/services, diagnosis, treatment, etc.) to this entity
Clinical supervisor/practicum instructor
This should be factual, brief but thorough, non-prejudicial, and should relate only to the client
Clinical documentation (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 65)
True or False: Professional/business attire in CIFC is only necessary when counselor trainees are client facing
False (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 40)
Any electronic communication regarding clients between counselor trainees, clinical supervisor/practicum instructor, Clinic admin. staff, and/or Clinic Director must include and be limited to this identifier
Client ID# (e.g., 123001)
At least this type of diagnosis/es must be given following the initial/diagnostic assessment session and this type of diagnosis/es is due by the third session
Provisional and principal
Once a client is scheduled, this entity is responsible for forwarding appointments at least 3 weeks ahead on Titanium to avoid double booking
Counselor trainees (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 38)
If a client verbalizes suicidal/homicidal ideation within the past 30 days, this must be followed
Risk Assessment Flow Chart (CIFC Policy and Procedure Manual, 2023, p. 80)
True or False: Counselor trainees are permitted to speak with other counselor trainees regarding aspects of their clients' care when they are within CIFC
This entity is mainly responsible for contacting clients via email
Clinic admin. staff
Counselor trainees are responsible for the following during telehealth sessions: assessing the client's physical space for this to protect confidentiality, verify client's this during the initial session, confirming the client's physical location in this, and discuss how you will proceed in the event of this during the course of the session
Privacy, identity, State of Ohio, technological difficulties