Coping Skills
Decision Making
Ballet, Shall We?

What would get you more upset...

 when things don't go your way, 


when someone bullies you?

Please describe a moment this recently happened


What is one thing that always makes you feel better when you are sad?

Just being able to express myself. 

I express myself through talking ( that way whatever is bugging me can’t stand a chance)

through music (I’m kind of a good singer)

Through exercise (that calms me down)

Through meditation and prayer (that takes away my worries)


When was the last time you made a bad decision?


What is one way to communicate better?
Listen, talk clearly, express feelings, etc.

What are some behaviors you want to really work on?

Staying focused on things that don’t interest me

Lowering my anxiety levels by doing calming things 

Being a positive source of love and gratitude 


How do you spell the name ___________



What are two good coping skills for dealing with anger?



Music is beautiful, healing force. Please sing a few verses of your favorite song. 


What is one thing you hate doing around the house?
Cleaning, making bed, dishes, etc.

When you think of the following people in your life, what are some descriptive words (called adjectives) that describe them?

Mom, Pap, Father, Grandma, Ballet Coach, Counselor Bryan

.... Great!


A room in the house where I feel the most comfortable is..

My Bedroom!


 there are many forms of ballet- for this form, you dance on the very tips of your toes and you have to wear special, sturdy shoes. These may not protect you fully and you may have to wear toe pads (gel or cotton). What ballet form am I talking about?

Pointe! This is often used in performances and if your ballt school follows the Royal Academy of Dance, you start to dance Pointe in Grade 5.


Do you think that feeling irritated is similar to being angry?

What irritates you the most these days?

When I feel ignored

When I want something I can’t have



What is one thing you do that makes you happy?

Well hmm let’s see.. 

Playing guitar

Robot legos


 Video Games


Talking to friends

Blowing bubbles   (Which is your favorite for 600 points!)

What is a time where you made a good decision?.
Listening to parents, doing homework, behaving, etc

What is the key to communication?


Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens- some dude (forgot his name- I wasn’t really listening)


Good use of your school computer means all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Make sure no food or drinks are near the keyboard!

B. Make sure your camera is turned off unless you’re using it 

C. Going on sites that my mom and my teachers don’t want me on.

D. Make sure you take breaks every 15 minutes to move around & rest your eyes.


(For extra 1000 points, explain why)


What ballet movement means "Step of the Cat"?

Pas De Chat

This means "Step of the Cat" because you lift your downstage leg up to your knee in a jump, your upstage follows creating a light, jumpy movemebt. You learnn this from the age of 9- 11. 


What are three ways to control my anger?

Hmm.. let’s see if you picked any of these:

 Take a deep breath

lie down, tense body then relax it

Say “I can get through this- I am tough!” Or... (what’s an affirmation you can use?)

count 5 deep breaths, 


 find quiet place

talk to someone

*********** for an extra 300 points, give me a detailed example of how you use your favorite coping skill.  (Us two will be the judge if you earn all 300 points)


Is reading a good coping skill? 

Do you prefer listening to a story or reading one?

Who in your family likes to read?

What are you currently reading?

What is your favorite book?


What is one thing you should do before making a decision?
Think before you speak, think about the consequences, think about what is right vs wrong, etc.
What is one person who is hard to talk to about things?
Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Friend, etc.
What is the behavior that should be used at school?
Listening, doing homework, paying attention, etc.

What piece of equipment in a studio is attached onto many mirrors; you hold onto it while doing exercises?


This is a horizontal bar approximately waist high, used for ballet exercises and warm up techniques. Many movements such as "Plies" and Ballement Tondu" are danced whilst holding it in the younger classes of ages 5-15


Why is Anger unhealthy for your BODY?

Anger raises your heart rate and blood pressure, it affects how you breathe, how you feel towards people and being angry too much can lead to a short and unpleasant life. 

What is three things you want to change about yourself?
Anger, Depression, Behavior, Attitude, etc.
What is one way to solve conflict?
Talk it out calmly, think rationally, etc.
What is the easiest and what is the hardest thing to talk about with others?
Feelings, School, Family, etc.
What is positive things about yourself?
Funny, athletic, artistic, etc.

What does "Eschappe" mean?

It means "To escape". It is a movement done from the first or fifth position. It goes in either second or fourth, then comes back to first of fifth position. This movement can be done using a jump, turn, extension or a simple point of the toe.