Self Knowledge
LSSP Counseling Role
LSSP Counseling Role
Counseling Process
Multitiered Systems of Support


•Systems that include teachers, administrators, other school staff and families


Who do School Psychologists work with?


The second leading cause for death among individuals 10 to 24 years old



provides high-quality educational practices for all students (e.g., instruction, prevention programs, and social-emotional learning



“a related service” or as part of psychological services initiated by the child’s teacher, parent, IEP team, or problem-solving team

Counseling is 


Focus on behaviors that are amendable to change.. use data to continually guide the process ... use a collaboration perspective ...always are called when theres a problem***

***We do not want to go into a situation too early , we may apply the wrong solution to a problem that has not been fully identified or identified at all 

As a Problem Solving LSSP we....




•Social awareness

•Relationship skills

•Responsible decision-making

•(Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning [CASEL])

The SEL Domains


 the set of interventions designed to promote the social, emotional, and behavioral well-being of children and adolescents.



provides a broader system approach to conceptualization and implementation



Problem Solving- meeting with the LSSP, parents and teacher to find extent of concern, background info is critical here 

Step 1 of Counseling Process


What is the problem?

Why is it occurring?

What can be done about it?

Did the approach work?

Problem Solving Elements 


Person,Behavior,Environment (all in a triangle)

Social Cognitive Theory-Self Regulation


•Designed to meet specific, measurable goal and objectives

•School psychologists emphasize and support the overall educational goals of the student

•Students with individual educational plan (IEP) services may receive counseling as a related service

Counseling Services in Schools 


•prevention practices; overed to the larger student community; universal

EX: classroom yoga intervention

What is Tier 1 in RTI


Data-based decision-making and tiered (response to intervention)- Identify the Specific Problem,Make sure response is app. to what the problem is

Step 2 in Counseling Process 

Improve outcomes, facilitate and create change

The goal in problem solving 


 l – listen 

I – identify

b – brainstorm
r – reality test

 e – encourage

LIBRE Model 



•Goal consensus

•Empathy positive regard

•Affirmation and a collection of feedback skills (e.g., re-statement)


•Emotional expression

•Cultivating positive expectations

•Promoting trust

•Facilitating a treatment that is credible and generalizable

•Repairing alliance ruptures

•Immediacy and being present

•Boundary management

Counseling Relationship Skills


evidence-based interventions, with the expectation that most at-risk students will benefit  from the intervention, those who did not benefit from Tier 1

EX: small group therapy 

What is Tier 2 in RTI


Collaborative communication among stakeholders- Results with a plan of how to address students needs,services, level,nature of service (ARDS)

What is Step 3 in the Counseling Process 


Crisis teams,IEP Teams, student assistance teams

Designed to facilitate dialogue about a student 

EX: In class example of the school psych, parents,teacher, counselor and principal in a meeting about a student 

Collaboration as an LSSP


•The ability to tolerate stress

•Experience empathy

•Remain compassionate

•Maintain mental, psychological, and social wellness

School psychologist’s well-being


The most important thing in a counseling realtionship

Investment in establishing and maintaining the relationship


Intensive intervention;  students who do not benefit following intervention

EX: one on one therapy , potential ref for special education 

What is Tier 3 in RTI 


•1st the team uses data to inform the decision

•2nd the meeting is collaborative and reflective of a family-school partnership

•3rd the team takes a tiered approach with less intense interventions

•4th goal setting; problem-solving type of counseling or approach

•5th review and intervention success; problem-solve counseling as a related service or psychological service

•Identified disability does not automatically lead to counseling, data and a school psychologist or other professional will be consideration in determining eligibility

Determining Counseling Need 


people who share the same ethical codes

School psychs can share sensitive information with..