Define Career counseling.
Relationship in which a professional counselor assists a client or a group of clients to cope more effectively career concerns
The advantages of group work.
What is efficiency, sense of community, keeps others honest, encouragement , allows facilitator to observe group interaction, peers serve as role models, students become aware they are not alone, get a chance to practice skills with peers.
A question designed to elicit a meaningful answer based on ones feelings, thoughts, and knowledge.
What is open-ended question?
Define assessment.
any systematic procedure for collecting information that can be used to make inferences or decisions about the characteristics of people and programs.
The state of being subjected to unjust treatment or control.
What is oppression?
Name the 3 concepts of Super's Theory (career counseling).
1. Life-span
2. Life-space
3. Self-concept
The disadvantages of group work.
What is too large, monopolize the group, need more depth than group, group think, unable to to speak in larger groups.
Name 3 primary emotions.
sad, mad, scared, disgust, and surprise.
List the 5 methods of assessment.
assessment needs, assessment testing, testing, interviews, and observation
The client has power, access, or unearned advantage, and hold a majority of status.
What is priviledge?
The closer the match of personality to the job, the greater the __________.
What is satisfaction.
Counseling has four types of groups.
What is task group, pyschotherapy group, group counseling, and group psychotherapy.
What is level 1 in the Client Change Scale?
Name 2 of the Needs assessment strategies.
What is exsisting data, literature review, interviews, focus groups, survey, and observational methods
Counselors promote access to resources and opportunities to advocate for equity for all people.
What is social justice?
Six categories of John Holland's Theory.
What is realistic, investigate, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional
1. Realistic
2. Investigate
3. Artistic
4. Social
5. Enterprising
6. conventional
The informed consent of counseling.
What is providing members with adequate information that will allow them to decide if they want to join the group?
A skill in which you repeat what the client has said in fewer words. Shows active listening
What is paraphrasing?
Name 3 observational methods.
What is observations, self-monitoring, windshield/working survey, resource assessment/asset mapping, SWOT analysis?
Empowerment is a complex process of involving _______, and _________ from the client and counselor at both the individual and community levels and thus forms the ________ of social justice counseling.
What is self-refelction, action, foundation
Step 1 in the Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) approach process?
What is conduct an initial interview with student
The counselor explains pocedures for leaving the group.
What is the inital group session.
Reflecting back main points of the session which include feelings and emotions.
What is summarizing?
Reliability refers to the degree to which test scores are ________, ________, and _______ upon additional testings.
What is dependable, consistent, and stable?
There are three levels to racism.
What is individual racism, institutional racism, and structural racism.