Accepting goods or services from clients in exchange for counseling services is...
What is...
The number of ACA guidelines that address non-sexual touch with a client is ___
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The psychological reason why counselors may be involved in sexual misconduct with a client is
What is...
The dual relationship that is always unethical, and may be illegal in some states
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You must wait __ ____ to pursue a romantic/intimate relationship with a former client
Under ACA Code of Ethics, bartering can only be done if...
What is...
1. Does not result in exploitation of the client
2. If the client requests it
3. If it is an accepted practice among professionals in the community
4. The cultural implications are understood and discussed
5. A clear, written contract is agreed upon
Refers to non-sexual interactions, enacted by the therapist, which are intended to counsel, empathize, ground, or aid a client's therapeutic progress and align with standard societal norms relating to occupational and social professionalism
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One psychological reason why the counselor may act upon a sexual/romantic relationship with a client is ____
Dual relationships pose a risk to the counselor's...
What is...
What is...
Sexual and/or romantic relationship
Accepting barters can show value for the client's ____
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Type of counselors who are more likely to openly advocate the use of touch in therapy
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Exploitive counselors
Clinicians typically feel like this when experiencing countertransference
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Guilt, shame, anxiousness, confusion
The professional routine establishes the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship, and is paramount in establishing a therapeutic relationship
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Informed consent
Attending a client’s formal ceremony (e.g., a wedding/commitment ceremony or graduation), purchasing a service or product provided by a client (excepting unrestricted bartering), and visiting a client’s ill family member in the hospital are...
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Examples of extending counseling boundaries
Acceptable goods/services in exchange for counseling is...
What is...
House painting, babysitting, musical instrument lessons, automobile repair, and income tax accounting
Three differences between the client and the counselor that could dramatically alter the power-dynamic existing when a counselor chooses to implement touch
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Gender, culture, and socioeconomic status
Sometimes, counselors feel ____ when clients reveal their attraction to the therapist
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A dual relationship presenting at a grocery store, community event, or place of worship
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In some ____, gifts are a token of respect and gratitude
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A diagnosis that should be made before going into a bartering agreement is...
The Five Principals for Ethical Decision Making according to the ACA is
What is...
1. Autonomy
2. Beneficence
3. Fidelity
4. Justice
5. Non-maleficence
Multicultural groups most vulnerable to sexual misconduct by a counselor
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Mentally ill, minors, elderly, childhood abuse survivors, disabled, minority groups, impoverished individuals, LGBTQ+ community, women, stigmatized groups
What is...
Unavoidable dual relationships
When extending counseling boundaries, you must...
What is...
Take appropriate professional precautions such as informed consent, consultation, supervision, and documentation.