Body Cues
Coping Skills

True or False: You can feel more than one emotion at a time



Common cues we get from our body when we are angry

Shaking, red face, high energy, temperature rises


Name three positive coping skills

Listening to music, reading, taking a walk, talking to someone you trust, etc. 


What are 2 green flags in a friendship or relationship? 

Respect, communication, trustworthiness, honesty, being able to spend time apart, making decisions together, holding each other accountable


What is a boundary? 

The limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships. Being able to say 'no' to others when we want to, but also being comfortable opening ourselves to close relationships.


True or False: Crying is a normal reaction to strong feelings



Common cues we get from our body when we are anxious

Shaking, sweaty palms, fast breathing


Name 3 maladaptive coping skills

Substance use, self-harm, breaking things, punching things, etc. 


What are 2 red flags in a friendship or relationship?

Being dishonest and disrespectful, fighting over control, pressuring you to do something, sharing your personal information with others. 


Which one is not a type of boundary; Rigid, Cast iron, Porous, or Healthy?

Cast iron is not a type of boundary. 

Rigid: always keeping others at a distance

Porous: always getting too involved with others

Healthy: being able to let people in while holding standards for how you are treated


True or False: Emotions are bad

False, no emotion is 'bad' or 'good', it is how we react when feeling that emotion that is healthy or unhealthy, harmful or helpful


Common cues we get from our body when we are sad

Crying, needing space, low energy


What is a coping skill?

Coping skills are strategies, techniques, or things we can do to manage and overcome stressful/challenging situations or big emotions. 


What is gaslighting? 

Manipulating someone into questioning their own reality. Denying facts, situations, or someone's feelings and needs. 


What are some appropriate phrases to use when setting boundaries? 

"I am not comfortable with this"

"I can't do that for you"

"I'm drawing the line at *blank*"


True or False: Ignoring your emotions makes them go away

False, they are still there, just hiding under the surface. An example of this is when we get mad at a 'little' thing, there is probably something under the surface and the 'little' thing tips the scale. 


Common cues we get from our body when we are happy

Even energy or high energy, body is functioning 'normal'


What are examples of self-care and why is it important? 

Ex. drinking water and eating food, hygiene, spending time on hobbies, etc. 

Self-care is important because when we become wrapped up in our emotions or situations around us, we often forget to take care of ourselves. 


Can a relationship be unhealthy and NOT abusive? 

Yes, unhealthy aspects of relationships may be unintentional while abusive aspects of relationships are often intentional with the goal of harming you. 


What are emotional boundaries? 

Emotional boundaries are our limits on when to share, and when not to share, personal information (like when/why we are feeling emotions)