Think About It
Calming Skills
Get Moving
Social Skills

Name four red zone emotions (plus 100 extra points for each additional red zone emotion you can think of!)

angry, mad, furious, terrified, aggressive, out of control, etc. 


A kid in class keeps saying you cheated on a test. You know  you didn't cheat and the teacher believes you, but the kid keeps saying it anyway. What size problem is this?



Name three things you can see, three things you can hear, and three things you can feel. 


What are some benefits of using movement as a coping tool?

It can help you feel more energized, it can brighten your mood, it can help you get out excess energy, etc. 


Give two people in the room a compliment. 


Name four blue zone emotions (plus 100 extra points for each additional blue zone emotion you can think of!)

sad, tired, depressed, sick, disappointed, bored, exhausted, etc. 


You get into a big argument with your mom before school and she takes away your video games for a week. What size problem is this?



Demonstrate Take 5 Breathing.


Do 10 jumping jacks. Describe how you feel after. 


Pretend someone in the class did something that bothered you. Demonstrate how to use an "I" statement to let them know how you felt. 

Ex: "I felt hurt when you called me a name"

Name four green zone emotions (plus 100 extra points for each additional green zone emotion you can think of!)

calm, happy, relaxed, focused, confident, proud, thankful, etc. 


Spongebob doesn't pass his boating test...again. He thinks "I'm a loser and a failure."

Help him change this unhelpful thought to a helpful one. 

"I can try again and do better next time"

"Even though I'm not great at this one thing, there are other things I'm good at"


Demonstrate snake breathing.


Do 10 wall push ups. Describe how you feel after. 


Start a conversation with someone in the class. If you can make it last at least two minutes, you get the points. 


Name four yellow zone emotions (plus 100 extra points for each additional yellow zone emotion you can think of!)

annoyed, frustrated, anxious, worried, nervous, silly, excited, etc.


Patrick Star is upset because Spongebob said no when he asked him to hang out. He thinks, "Spongebob hates me"

Help him reframe this unhelpful thought to a more helpful one.

"Maybe he's just busy"

"We can hang out another time"


Demonstrate smelling the flower, blowing out the candle. 


Bend down and touch your toes for 30 seconds. Describe how you feel afterwards. 


Pretend you hurt someone's feelings. Demonstrate what you could say/do to make things right.


Name a signal that happens in your body when you are in each zone. 


No customers came to the Krusty Krab today and Mr. Krabs is disappointed. He thinks "My life is terrible and will never get better."

Help him reframe this unhelpful thought to a more helpful one. 

"Today wasn't great, but maybe tomorrow will be better"


Demonstrate Lazy 8 breathing. 


Do a wall sit for 30 seconds. Describe how you feel after.


What are the 4 steps to becoming a social thinker?

  1. Keep my brain thinking about others

  1. Keep my body pointed towards others

  1. Use my eyes to focus on others

  1. Keep my words talking about what the other person is talking about