Anger Management
Sally's little brother would not stop crying. Sally felt like yelling at him to be quiet. What would you tell Sally to do?
Sally should practice a cool-down strategy and leave the room so that she doesn't have to hear her brother crying. Sally could also listen to her music so that she doesn't have to hear her brother crying.
True or False. It is best to try to be the winner in an argument.
False. It is best to problem solve where you discuss the situation and everyone is happy in the end.
Name two feeling words.
Angry, happy, sad, silly, tired, confident, worried,etc.

What are the 3 parts to an I-Message?

I feel_____________


and I wish________________

Name 2 positive things that happened to you recently.
:) and :)
Marcia was trying to do her homework, but the problems were really hard. Marcia felt like ripping up the paper in frustration. What do you think Marcia should do?
Marcia should ask someone for help. If no one at her home knows how to help her then she could go into school early and ask her teacher for help. Marcia could also take a break from her homework until she calms down and then try again later.
What makes you feel better when you are angry?
Tell me about it. Could that be a new strategy for you?
True or False. It is best to talk with someone about your emotions when you are feeling sad, mad, etc.

If your strategy doesn't help then what could you do?

Ask for help, talk to someone about it, try a new/different strategy, do something different, walk away, etc.

Do 5 jumping jacks for 200 point!!!!
Sherry’s mother accidentally threw away Sherry’s homework. Sherry felt like throwing away her mother’s important papers to get back at her. What would you tell Sherry to do?
Sherry should ask her mother to help her find her homework in the trash. Sherry should also remember to not leave her homework laying around the house.
Tell of a breathing exercise that you can do when you get angry.
Count to 10, deep breath in/ deep breath out, 3 deep breaths in, etc.
Name three people that you can share your feelings with?
1? 2? 3?

Demonstrate how to count from 1 to 10


Random... tell me a joke, make a funny face, or tell me a story for 300 points!
Irene wanted to sit in the front seat of the car, but her older sister got there first and wouldn’t let her have it. Irene felt like slapping her sister. What would you tell Irene to do?
Irene should talk to her sister about it and ask her if she could have a turn this time or next time. The sisters have to come to an agreement.
True or False: It is okay to be angry sometimes.
True. You just want to be able to handle your anger in a healthy and safe manner.
If you don't want to talk to someone about your feelings, what is another way to deal with your feelings?
Write about them in a journal, etc.

Demonstrate how to do deep breathing by taking 3 deep breathes.


Give an example of a self-soothing strategy that you have used recently.
Stan’s friend kept interrupting when he was trying to tell a story. Stan felt like shouting the story so his friend couldn’t get a word in. What do you think Stan should do?
Stan should ask his friend to please wait his turn so that Stan could finish telling his story and then his friend could go next. Stan should tell his friend in a calm voice.
What is anger management?
Being able to handle your anger in a healthy and safe manner.
What could happen to someone if they keep all of their feelings inside and don't talk about them or deal with them in a healthy manner?
They may get mad and hurt someone, become depressed, get sick, etc.

Name three self-soothing strategies.

write, draw, music, go for a run, read, tv, bath, clean, etc.

Give an example of a time when you made a good choice when you wanted to make a bad one.